Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, November 19, 1994                   TAG: 9411210047
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Celebrated golfer Tiger Woods says he's taking a break from the limelight to become just another freshman at Stanford.

Woods, 18, the youngest player to win the U.S. Amateur, said Friday he doesn't want people to think ``Tiger was hiding in college.'' But he's taking time off from golf - and the media attention he's generated - until February.

``I can't do it all the time,'' he explained.

Woods won the Jerry Pate National Intercollegiate tournament last month at Shoal Creek in Birmingham, Ala. His victory made him 2-for-3 in college play. Stanford won the team title at the tournament.

In the past year, Woods has played a schedule that might exhaust some professionals. He started classes in September, after winning the U.S. Amateur as well as the Western, Southern California and Pacific Northwest amateurs.

Woods won his first collegiate tournament, the Tucker Invitational at the University of New Mexico, by three strokes in September.

Woods also played for the United States team that won the World Amateur Championships in France in October.

But the focus now is on school. Woods plans to attend Saturday's football game between Stanford and California, then will be hitting the books.

``Usually I take a break after the summer, but I didn't do that because of college golf,'' he said. ``So I'm taking my break now.''

 by CNB