Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 23, 1994                   TAG: 9411230136
DATELINE: NEW YORK                                 LENGTH: Medium


At least 383 lucky people will be remembering Milton Petrie at Thanksgiving.

In life, the philanthropist and retailer often was compared to TV's ``The Millionaire'' for his random acts of generosity to injured police officers, disaster victims and other strangers whom he'd read about in the newspapers.

In death, Petrie only enhanced his reputation.

His widow, Carroll, his children and other family members are amply provided for in his will. But Petrie, who died Nov. 6, set aside $90 million of his $940 million fortune for hundreds of friends, acquaintances and strangers.

Featured prominently among those listed in his will were the same types of folks Petrie helped in life: families of slain police officers, widows, orphans, victims of fires or other disasters.

``He was just the kindest, most loving person you could imagine,'' said Cordelia Fuller, the mother of slain Transit Police Officer Robert Venable, who will receive $5,000 a year for the rest of her life. The money will supplement Fuller's salary as a registered nurse and help defray the cost of rearing her granddaughter, Januari.

``Mr. Petrie used to call all the time to ask me how I was doing, and he'd send checks in the thousands,'' she said. ``He even told me he was going to remember me in his will. I hope they have a memorial service for him, because I'll be there.''

Gregory Condolucci of the Bronx felt like he'd won the lottery when he was informed he'd be getting nearly $10,000 a year - every year for the rest of his life.

Now 85 and retired from his job as an elevator operator at Petrie's tennis club, Condolucci hadn't even laid eyes on Petrie since 1958.

But the magnate remembered him.

``We became the greatest of friends,'' said Condolucci. ``He used to ask me to do something, and I'd say, `What, were you born with a golden spoon in your mouth?' He'd laugh.''

In his will, Petrie also remembered Marla Hanson, the model to whom he sent annual checks after reading of her slashing in the newspapers.

Steven McDonald, a police officer paralyzed by a 15-year-old's bullet, will continue to be a recipient of Petrie's generosity, as will the widow of Officer Anthony Venditti, who was gunned down outside a Queens restaurant in 1986.

Besides the hundreds of little people in his will, Petrie also included some headline names - Jerusalem's former Mayor Teddy Kollek and Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel. Both will get lump sums of $100,000.

Petrie ``was just a giant of a man,'' said Ruth Dran of Bayonne, N.J., who worked for 23 years as a supervisor for his conglomerate, Petrie Stores, and who was remembered in the will.

``He was brilliant at business, a very tough, stern businessman,'' she said. ``But underneath he had a heart.''

 by CNB