Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, November 28, 1994                   TAG: 9412070061
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


THE HOKIES ARE LOOKING good for the Gator, while the Cavaliers may be bound for the Independence.

Athletic director Dave Braine estimated Virginia Tech's chances of receiving a Gator Bowl bid at better than 50 percent Sunday night.

However, Virginia athletic director Jim Copeland was less certain of an Independence Bowl trip scouts, analysts and even players are treating as a foregone conclusion for the Cavaliers.

``I don't understand where they're getting that,'' Copeland said Sunday at halftime of the UVa men's soccer game. ``I can't understand why they're saying it's a done deal. I do not know where we will go.''

Braine said he hoped to learn Tech's fate as early as 10:30 or 11 a.m. today, following a conference call among members of the Football Bowl Coalition.

``Going into Friday's games, I think everybody felt Virginia was going to win and go to the Fiesta Bowl,'' said Braine, speaking on the Hokies' radio network before a Tech men's basketball game against Illinois for the Puerto Rico Shootout championship. ``That changed dramatically with N.C. State [beating the Cavaliers 30-27]. N.C. State was penciled in probably to go to the Independence Bowl. Now, N.C. State has become a big player in the second tier of the coalition.

``My own feeling is that the Gator Bowl is going to come down to either N.C. State or Virginia Tech against Tennessee.''

Braine said his biggest fear is the Gator Bowl will bypass Tech and that the Sun Bowl, with the next choice of so-called Tier Two teams, would take Boston College (6-4-1) because of its proximity to the home offices of longtime Sun Bowl sponsor John Hancock insurance.

That would send 17th-ranked Tech (8-3) to the Carquest Bowl to meet South Carolina (6-4-1).

``I think we have probably a 60 percent chance to go to the Gator Bowl,'' Braine said. ``I think the Carquest Bowl would take Virginia Tech any time. We have not closed any doors.''

The biggest problem was created when Notre Dame was tied by Southern Cal 17-17 and dropped to 6-4-1.

``That really did muddy up the waters,'' Braine said. ``We might not know for a week what's going to take place or where we're going to be.''

Braine said there is a misconception that Notre Dame must have seven victories to be invited to qualify for some of the bowls. According to his interpretation, Notre Dame still can play in the Cotton or Fiesta.

 by CNB