Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 30, 1994                   TAG: 9411300055
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Caryl Solomon plays in two bridge groups, one on Monday nights and the other on Wednesday nights. Those two groups and another bridge club contributed the Good Neighbors Fund on Tuesday.

The Monday and Wednesday clubs save their winnings until the end of the year, when they donate them to the Good Neighbors Fund.

The two groups started the custom when the Good Neighbors Fund began 11 years ago and have been doing it ever since.

"The winnings really aren't a lot, but they add up," said Solomon.

She said it would be nice if other bridge or golf groups did the same.

Jewel Sheere of Good Friends Thursday Bridge Club also sent in a check from her group.

Tuesday's contributors included:

Rupert and Gladys Cutler, in memory of their son, Richard E. Cutler

Louise Obenchain, in honor of Percy M. Obenchain Jr.

Bill and Annabelle Lavin

Kate Francisco

Robert Patterson, in memory of Oraleen Patterson

Marie Nerren, in honor of her sister, Kitty Cannady

Betty C. Winfree

Harry M. Carter Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Benton Hopper, in memory of Lewis Hopper

Pansy and Louise Britts

Monday Night Bridge Game

Wednesday Night Bridge Game

Caryl Solomon, in memory of Dr. Arthur Solomon, and for the recovery of Sydney Shaftman

Patricia Slough, in memory of Flossie Jewell Snow

Ethel E. Walshe, in memory of Stephen Canada

Jeanne and Jack Coulter, in memory of Audrey Flora and Ben Temple Jr.

Edna H. Wade

Helen C. Williamson

Sandra Birch, in memory of Donald Birch and Harvey Eggert

Dr. and Mrs. R. F. McHan, in memory of Rick McHan

Howard and Carrie Cox

Larue B. Mason, in memory of Wick Mason

Kay Grundkowski, in memory of her father, E.B. Arrington

Sally G. Howard, in support of battered wives

Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Cooley

Caudel and Donna Abbott

Suzie and Randy Leslie

ACT Class of St. Marks Lutheran Church

Fellowship Class of Central United Methodist Church, Salem

In memory of Grover Giles

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Murphy, in memory of their parents

John M. Kennedy

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Parker, in memory of Jane Elizabeth

Lewis and Edith Evans

Albert and Delores Bonhotel, in memory of Walter and Fannie Bonhotel and Lila K. Mann

Jim and Frances Kincanon

Janie Webb, in honor of Mary Lynn Barrett

Richard A. Cohen

Beatrice P. Leedy, in memory of loved ones

W. Harry and Joyce Moore

Good Friends Thursday Bridge Club

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McNeace

In memory of Lyn Cotton

W. M. Gow



TOTAL AS OF 11/29/94$10,123

Checks should be made payable to Good Neighbors Fund and mailed to Roanoke Times & World-News. P.0. Box 1951, Roanoke 24008.

Names - but not amounts of donations - of contributing businesses, individuals or organizations, as well as memorial and honorific designations, will be listed in the newspaper. Those requesting that their names not be used will remain anonymous.

 by CNB