Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 1, 1994                   TAG: 9412010076
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Blair Calvert of North Cross has been chosen the player of the year and heads the all-state team as picked by the coaches for the Virginia Independent Schools Volleyball Association.

Calvert paced North Cross to the first VISVA state championship. She is joined on the all-state team by teammates Armistead Lemon and Heather Perry.

Donna Satterwhite of North Cross is the VISVA coach of the year.

Other players on the all-state squad are Karen Kellett and Jennifer King (Collegiate), Tina Carroll and Gretchen Schuler (Bishop O'Connell), Diane Norman and Liz Summers (Lynchburg Christian), Krystal England (Holy Cross), and Joy Farino and Faith McGovern (Williamsburg Christian).

In other sports in the region:

Washington and Lee's women's tennis team is ranked fourth in the 1994 ITA National Team Rankings. Williams (Mass.) and the University of California at San Diego are tied for first and Trinity (Texas) is third. The Generals played three matches in the fall and ended the abbreviated season 3-0 and had the No.1 ranking in the Southern Region.

W&L senior Marilyn Baker is ranked sixth in the nation in singles in the same poll, while her doubles partner, Natalia Garcia, is ranked 11th. Julie Ayers is tied for 31st in the nation.

K.J. Hippensteel of Roanoke was presented with the USTA sportsmanship award at the recent Boys 14-under USTA Indoor tennis championships in Chicago.

 by CNB