Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 1, 1994                   TAG: 9412240015
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA has announced the names of Roanoke students who were recognized during its recent honors convocation. They are: Melissa Janell Blum, Robert Gilmer Carson, Stephen Albert Hoover Jr. and David Rinehart Lauck.

BRYANT D. HAIRSTON, son of Alfreda Hairston of Roanoke, recently was chosen as a Bonner Scholar at Ferrum College.

The Bonner Scholars are a group of 68 students who volunteer at various schools and agencies in Franklin County.

Hairston is a 1993 graduate of William Fleming High School.

TORINO RAVON JENNINGS, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hash of Roanoke, has been selected for inclusion in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.

He is a senior at Hampden-Sydney College.

NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, has announced the names of Roanoke Valley students who completed graduation requirements during the summer term. They include: George McCarthy Stores Jr., Roanoke, bachelor of business administration degree in management; and Pongsak Siwapornchai, Roanoke, data processing program.

Earning associate degrees were: Melissa D. Agee, Tammy M. Edmondson, Michelle E. Ellis, Ernestine Hancock, highest honors; Annesia E. Perry, James R. Ring Jr., Melissa D. Rowan, Jodi A. Thomas, highest honors; and Donna M. Van Nattan, honors, all of Roanoke; and George R. Brogan Jr. of Salem.

Those who will receive certificates in professional data entry include: Carole Ann Dalton, Roanoke; and Belinda Ann Hager, Troutville, with honors.

Cynthia M. Moore of Roanoke and a medical assisting major was named to the dean's list of National for the late summer term.

OAK HILL ACADEMY recently announced the names of students on the B honor roll for the first quarter.

They include: Christie Abshire, daughter of Billie J. Abshire of Roanoke; Carla Fitch, daughter of Donna and Charles H. Fitch of Salem; Lauren Gregory, daughter of Gayle and Scott Stephens of Roanoke; and Dorie Vaugh, daughter of B.J. and David Vaughn of Roanoke.

ROANOKE COLLEGE has announced the names of Roanoke-area students who have been selected as scholarship recipients.

Receiving the Bittle Scholarship are: Lora Schwehr and Carrie Woods, Salem; and Russell Clemmer and Nathanael Gay, Roanoke.

Students receiving the Davis Honors Scholarship are: Lora Schwehr, Carrie Woods, and Lynn Schwehr of Salem; A. Christy Balthis, Valerie Hale, Michele Hamm, all of Roanoke; Jennifer Mullin and Nancy Beaman of Vinton; John Smith of Daleville; and Karen St. Clair of New Castle.

Stephanie Moore of Roanoke received the Beard Scholarship, and Stephanie Wright of Salem received the Fintel Scholarship.

Recipients of the Reach Scholarship are Philip Hatter and Cheryl Hopson, both of Roanoke; and Joel Hickerson of Salem.

DWIGHT HOLLAND, son of James and Darlene Holland of Roanoke, has been awarded one of seven of Virginia Tech's Cunningham Fellowships, which recognize a student's outstanding credentials and potential as a doctoral degree candidate.

Holland, who is working on a doctoral degree in human factors engineering, has dual bachelor degrees in math and physics from Emory & Henry College and master's degrees in geophysics and systems engineering from Virginia Tech.

THE PATRICK HENRY HIGH SCHOOL FORENSICS team recently won two individual trophies in the Catholic Forensics League tournament, which had competitors from 15 schools.

Gordon Lawson won third in extemporaneous speaking, and Susan Tran won third in declamation. Both students qualified for regionals.

The team members include: Shannon Basham, Belinda Duke, Cercy Petty, Kristin Surface and Abby Fifer in poetry/prose; Tanya Wade, Yarin Rachlin and Mary Kay Finucane in extemporaneous speaking; Drew Dowdy and Tanya Smart in duo interpretation; and Chris Avidano in dramatic interpretation.

Katherine Stuart is the team's coach.

PATRICK HENRY HIGH SCHOOL students recently won third place in the AAA Division of the Mathematics Rally held at Radford University.

Team members are Ivan Herman, Joel Nitchman and John Eure, who also won second place in the individual contest.

NIKI SNYDER, daughter of William and Judy Snyder of Salem, has been awarded a $250 scholarship from the Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants. She is a student at Emory & Henry College,

majoring in economics and business with a concentration in accounting. She is also a residence adviser and a member of the Accounting Club and the Blue and Gold Society.

GEORGE MILLER, principal of Coulter Hall, has been selected by the Virginia High School Coaches Association as the 1995 Virginia Wrestling Coach of the Year.

In addition, he is the state nominee for the 1995 National Wrestling Coach of the Year.

MICHAEL E. FADORICK JR., son of Charles and Eula Huffman of Roanoke, has been named a Collegiate Scholastic All-American by the United States Achievement Academy.

Fadorick is a student at Roanoke College and was nominated for this national award by J. Marvin Pippert, associate professor and chairman of sociology.

Fadorick's name will be listed in the annual Scholastic All-American Collegiate Directory.

THE NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM recently announced the names of Roanoke Valley semifinalists in the 1995 competition for scholarships.

They are: Russell S. Heywood and Susan E. Hord, Patrick Henry High School; John P. Bird and Theresa Robertson, William Fleming High School; Katherine Norris, Cave Spring High School; and Catherine Airey, Northside High School, earned this distinction.

Vickie Farmakis, William Fleming High School, has been named a Commended Student in the 1995 Achievement Scholarship Program. Named from Roanoke Catholic School were Charles M. Gilliland and Patrick L. Sweeney.

Cobey H. Ferguson and Scharles C. Petty, Patrick Henry High School, are semifinalists in the 1995 program for outstanding black students. Richard Tillies is a commended student in this program

In each annual National Merit Scholarship Program, about 50,000 academically able high school students are honored, but only about 15,000 of them are named semifinalists. Students who qualify as semifinalists have an opportunity to advance to finalist standing and compete for approximately 6,700 scholarships worth more than $26 million. Winners will be announced in the spring.

More than 95,000 black students entered the 1995 Achievement Program by requesting consideration when they took the 1993 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Semifinalists were designated in geographic regions comprised of several states; they represent the highest-scoring entrants in each region.

 by CNB