Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 1, 1994                   TAG: 9412240023
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Neighborhood watch group elects officers

The Willow River Neighborhood Watch members recently selected their building captains.

Serving as captains are: James and Jana Dalton; Roxanne Paradise; Shannon and Phaedra Christy; Bea Edwards; Tracy Levis; Betsy Walker; Belinda and Carl Barkhouse; Sandra White; Rachel Nardone; Richard Long; Jamie Hays; Ken Mattern; Linda Shiflett; and Denise Fox.

The group meets quarterly and produces a monthly newsletter. For more information, call 389-0209.

Brendle's accepting Toys For Tots

Brendle's will join with the United States Marine Corps Reserve to help sponsor the annual Toys For Tots Christmas program.

New, unwrapped toys can be brought to the Brendle's Tanglewood Mall store between through Dec. 16. Marine Corps Reserve units will distribute the toys to needy children throughout the holiday season.

The Toys for Tots program provides approximately 8 million toys to children every season. Brendle's has been the Toys For Tots corporate sponsor for two years.

Riding group elects new slate of officers

The Roanoke Valley Therapeutic Riding Program Inc., a not-for-profit horseback riding organization for the disabled, recently elected its officers for 1995. They are: Andre Namenek, president; Mike Parrish, vice president; Jeff DeBell, secretary; and Barbara Petty, treasurer.

 by CNB