Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 1, 1994                   TAG: 9412240025
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


LOUISE FORSYTH and GARLAND LYNN were named to the academic High List at Episcopal High School in Alexandria.

Both earned an average of 90 or above in at least five classes in this year's first quarter.

Forsyth, a junior, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Forsyth of Roanoke.

Lynn, also a junior, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lynn of Roanoke.

JENNIFER RUTLEDGE of Roanoke was recently crowned as Bluefield College's homecoming queen.

Rutledge, a music education major, is a member of Alpha Sigma honor society, Alpha Delta sorority and the Greek Council.

JEFFREY P. JENKINS, son of Paul E. and Brenda W. Jenkins of Salem, recently earned a bachelor's degree from West Virginia University in Morgantown.

Jenkins, a 1990 Glenvar High School graduate, was also commissioned to second lieutenant through the Army ROTC program.

JO-LYNNE GUELICH, daughter of David and Connie Guelich of Salem, received a bachelor of science degree from Gordon College in Wenham, Mass.

A 1990 graduate of Salem High School, Guelich majored in elementary education.

SHIRLEY C. MEADOR and JIMMY WHITAKER, both of Roanoke, were chosen to serve three-year terms on Bluefield College's Alumni Council.

NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE has announced the names of students who will be included in the 1995 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges.

Among those honored are: Roanoke residents Anna Foster, Patricia Gray, Bunny Hancock, George Stores and Donna Van Natton; Kristine Iversen of Salem; Crystal Dudding of New Castle; John Howell of Blue Ridge; and Jerry Huffman of Daleville.

TAMMIE CAMPBELL, daughter of Patricia Gail Campbell of Roanoke, has been named historian of the Student Christian Fellowship at Ferrum College, where she is a sophomore majoring in preprofessional science.

JENNIFER J. WILSON, daughter of Patricia J. Wilson of Roanoke County, recently graduated with honors from Parsons School of Design with a bachelor's of fine art and from Eugene Lang College with a bachelor's of art.

Both schools are divisions of the New School for Social Research in New York City. Wilson's major at Parsons was product design, specifically glass design and glassblowing and metalsmithing. She also had a concentration in art history from Parsons. Her major at Lang was cultural studies and philosophy. She is the first graduate of Parsons' glass program and was on the dean's list.

RAMONA BURNS, a Patrick Henry High School ninth-grader, was the grand prize winner, in addition to being the Roanoke winner, in a school essay contest on Mark Twain. The contest was held in conjunction with a recent performance by Hal Holbrook.

Burns won an all-expenses paid trip for three to Hannibal, Mo., Mark Twain's home.

Other winners in the contest received tickets to Mark Twain Tonight! and met Holbrook, who portrayed Twain. Those winners are: Lauren Russon, Addison Aerospace Magnet School; Andrew Kosowitz, Cave Spring Junior High; and Grant Cartner, Cave Spring High School.

TERESA EDILLON, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Guido Edillon, has been appointed to the Associated Students Activities Board for Eastern New Mexico University in Portales, N.M.

Edillon, a junior at Virginia Commonwealth University,is attending the New Mexico university through the National Student Exchange Program.

 by CNB