Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, December 4, 1994                   TAG: 9412050059
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


TO: S. Claus

CEO, Christmas, Inc. North Pole

FROM: Roanoke Valley Distribution Center

Per your request, please see attached invoice for 12/25 shipments. Enclosed are notes of clarification on orders taken from children Sat., 12/3, at the Virginia Museum of Transportation and the Harrison Museum of African American Culture:

Please be advised that you may have trouble filling the order of Anna Davis, age 3. She has requested a ride on the Class J No. 611 steam locomotive. However, Norfolk Southern Corp. is ending its steam excursions and the 611 soon will be parked and out of commission at the Transportation Museum.

When our agent took Anna's order at the museum, her mother, Elizabeth Davis, said, and we quote: "She saw the picture [of the 611] in the paper today and she just went crazy. I told her we e move. The Williamses are putting a contract on a house in Staunton this weekend. See if you can speed up the process.

Also, please note: Katie's sister has put in an order for a certain stuffed kitten. Be advised that such kitten will trigger Rebecca's allergies, so please substitute a special allergy-free lion from the Fisher-Price "Big Things" line.

As you consider Rebecca's request for a 3-D Colorblaster, also consider Mrs. Williams' fears about paint being blasted over the walls of that new house in Staunton. If you ship this order, also enclose some 409 spray cleaner and some paper towels.

As for the order placed by one Turner Fleshman for a crane, bear in mind that this customer is only 3 and the order-taker apparently misunderstood him. According to our brief conference afterward with young Fleshman's father, what Turner really wants is a train, not a crane, although he probably would take that, too.

As you approach the challenges of the weeks ahead, we wanted to remind you of the high ethical standards of our customers. Please note this comment from Brittany Hanger, age 4, in a letter you will receive under separate cover. "I've been pretty good," she said, "but not perfect."

And in conclusion, Leann Cerere, age 7, who wants a stuffed white bunny for Christmas, asked us to send along her best wishes for you, Mrs. Claus, the elves and the reindeer. She expressed concern about how all of you are faring in your frigid headquarters. She also inquired at what speed you and the reindeer will travel on Christmas Eve, which we politely informed her is proprietary information.

 by CNB