Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, December 4, 1994                   TAG: 9412050068
DATELINE: RESTON                                 LENGTH: Medium


SCIENTISTS ARE FINDING FAULT with Republican budget proposals that could close a quiet federal agency that tracks the world's earthquakes.

The U.S. Geological Survey is on a hit list of federal offices circulated by Republicans as they prepare to assume congressional power in January. Shutting the Reston-based agency could save $3.2 billion over five years, according to a GOP budget analysis.

``From both a policy and a science perspective, it's a very, very poor idea,'' said Don Anderson, a geophysicist at California Institute of Technology and a leading earthquake expert. ``This is one of the more professional, efficient agencies in government. It's very small, and its scientists are among the best ... You can't say that for many other offices in the government.''

The survey's 10,000 employees, including about 2,000 at the Reston headquarters, monitor and measure earthquakes, floods, volcanoes and erosion. The survey oversees a vast, highly automated international network of instruments that measure tiny seismic changes that scientists use to predict earthquakes.

Virginia Tech's seismological observatory is part of the network and is partly funded by the survey.

``We believe the work we do affects every citizen every day,'' said agency spokesman Don Kelly. ``We're not sure how else our duties could be done as effectively as we do them.''

Eliminating the Geological Survey has been part of GOP budget proposals for two years, but the idea gained new immediacy on Election Day, when Republicans gained their first majority in Congress in 40 years.

This month, the House Budget Committee's Republican staff came up with the list of dozens of possible cuts to offset a proposed $500 per child tax credit included in the Republicans' ``Contract With America.''

The Republicans listed $170million in possible savings if all the targeted offices or programs were eliminated. But GOP staffers have been quick to say nothing has been decided.

``It's a list of examples of ways you could cut,'' said Ed Gillespie, spokesman for the House Republican Conference. ``There are a lot of things on the table.''

Some of the 115-year-old agency's duties would go to other government offices, the GOP budget plan said. For example, the now-academic National Science Foundation could assume the technical functions of earthquake monitoring, the study said.

``That doesn't make any sense,'' Anderson said. Trying to parcel out the survey's duties probably would cost money, at least in the short run, he said.

Thomas Davis will argue for keeping the survey, which is in the district the Republican congressman-elect will represent as a freshman next year.

``We're certainly not going to take any chances,'' Davis said.

Although he signed the ``Contract With America'' as a candidate, Davis said the legislative road map is flexible.

``There are no specific cuts in the contract ... There are going to be cuts in various federal agencies, but I don't think it makes sense to cut an agency that plays a very vital role,'' Davis said.

The survey is not well-known outside scientific circles. The agency gathers and interprets data on earthquakes and other geological events, as well as producing detailed seismological maps. The mapmaking function would be eliminated under the GOP plan, under the theory that anyone who needs such a map could pay to produce it privately.

``I believe that anyone who knew what the USGS really does would think it is a valuable and efficient agency,'' Anderson said.

 by CNB