Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 8, 1994                   TAG: 9412080031
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Q: What will happen to the national debt sign on the roof of the old Hardee's downtown when the building is turned into Spanky Macher's new Star City Diner?

V.R., Catawba

A: That flashing update on our spending of the nation's wealth would fit in just fine with the cheesy '50s decor that's being designed for the diner, Spanky Macher says.

Macher plans to let the sign's owners know they can keep it there, if they choose, when the real-estate deal is closed.

The electric sign is owned by George Cartledge Sr. and the estate of John Hancock.

"I hope he keeps it. That's kind of the coolest thing that could be part of [the new look]," Macher said.|

9 yards of what?

Q: A bunch of us were talking, and somebody used the expression, "the whole 9 yards." Where does that expression come from?

D.M., Christiansburg

A: This widely used clich for "the whole thing" has a life of its own.

"The whole 9 yards" appears in many of the best newspapers and magazines-none of which can be sure of its roots.

Three possible origins were suggested by William Safire, a leading linguist:

Nine yards once constituted an entire bolt of cloth, and an ornate garment would require the whole bolt.

The standard concrete truck mixes 9 cubic yards of rock, sand, cement and water. A large construction project would use the entire load.

A three-masted sailing ship with square rigging used three spars to support the sails. Each spar was 3 yards wide, and a ship under full sail used the whole 9 yards.

Local gun laws

Q: I noticed in a news report that a man in another city was charged with having a loaded pistol on his car seat. Just a few weeks ago, the Roanoke Police Department told me it's legal to carry a loaded gun as long as it's not concealed. Do other cities in Virginia have different laws concerning this?


A: Yes, many cities have their own gun laws.

In Chesapeake, where this arrest occurred, it has been illegal for 31 years to carry a loaded firearm on streets, highways and city property.

"Carrying" a firearm includes having it within reach in a vehicle, and there's a $100 fine.

The state legislature in 1987 banned localities from passing any new laws like this one.

In the case about which you read, the suspect was stopped for reckless driving and arrested when the officer saw a handgun on the passenger seat.

As it turned out, the driver was a suspect in the murder of his brother and the wounding of a woman in a Virginia Beach motel Thanksgiving night.|

Got a question about something that might affect other people, too? Something you've come across and wondered about? Give us a call at 981-3118. Maybe we can find the answer.

 by CNB