Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 8, 1994                   TAG: 9412300042
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: N-15   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


CLAUDINE A. ANDERSON, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson of Vinton, has been named to the "1995 Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges." She is a student at Southern Virginia College.

BETSY MILLER, daughter of Paul and Amy Miller of Roanoke County, has been elected to the Executive Council of the Future Panhellenic Council at Penn State University. Miller, a freshman, is representing Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority on the council.

She is a graduate of Cave Spring High School.

ANNA BIZAEVA, professor of psychology at the Pskov State Pedagogical Institute in Russia, has been named Roanoke College's Copenhaver Scholar-in-residence.

Bizaeva is teaching a course in "Russian Life and Culture" for the international relations program; working extensively with the Center for Community Research on the Annual Roanoke Valley Poll; serving as a guest lecturer in several courses in education; and conducting workshops for local educators, including those who teach Russian language and culture.

In 1995, Bizaeva will assist Harry Wilson, associate professor of political science at Roanoke College, with a public opinion poll in Roanoke's sister city, Pskov, Russia.

MARK HUNLEY and SIMA GILL, eighth-graders at Addison Aerospace Magnet School, recently participated in the Space Camp in Huntsville, Ala., after being chosen to attend based on essays they wrote.

The cost of the trip and airfare was funded in part by the local Air Force Association Chapter No. 285 and also by First Union Bank, the school's business partner. Students from the school also helped by selling chocolate.

ROBERT TERRY PRINCE and DALLAS RAY RICHARDS, cadets at Virginia Military Institute, recently were inducted into the Virginia Delta Chapter of Tau Beta Pi, a national engineering honor society.

Prince is a junior in civil engineering and is on the dean's list, the Southern Conference Academic Honor Roll and the university's basketball team. He is a graduate of Lord Botetourt High School and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Prince Jr. of Blue Ridge.

Richards also is a junior in civil engineering and on the dean's list, wears academic stars, is a member of Rat Challenge Cadre and is president of the VMI Eagle Scout Association.

RYAN WICKSTROM and JIM FIELD have been named to the Grace College men's varsity soccer team in Winona Lake, Ind.

Wickstrom is a 1994 graduate of Northside High School and son of John and Linda Wickstrom of Roanoke.

Field graduated from Glenvar High School in 1990 and is the son of Don and Priscilla Field.

CHRISTY SMITH, of Roanoke, recently portrayed Diana in Shakespeare's "All's Well That Ends Well," produced by the Indiana University Theater in early November.

Smith is earning her master of fine arts degree in acting at the university.

THE COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES, Roanoke, will receive a $1,741,901 Title III grant distributed during the next five years from the U.S. Department of Education.

The grant is the culmination of college-wide planning and cooperative efforts started in fall 1993 and a review process conducted by the Department of Education. The grant will be used to buy computer hardware, to strengthen and develop academic programs to address health care changes and to expand college program offerings to accommodate 700 students.

MARGARET M. GRAYSON has been appointed to the Virginia Western Community College Local Advisory Board as a representative of Roanoke. Grayson teaches Latin at North Cross School, chair of their foreign language department and a visiting professor in Latin at Hollins College.

 by CNB