Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 8, 1994                   TAG: 9412300071
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: W-16   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: NEW CASTLE                                LENGTH: Short


The Craig County School Board will seek two more modular classroom units to help relieve crowding caused by an unexpected rise in enrollments this term.

School Board members voted Tuesday to try to work an estimated $90,000 into its 1995-96 budget to purchase the units, which would provide four more classrooms.

Dallas Helems, school superintendent, said the modular units are a short-term remedy for classroom crowding and the board will need to start a building program.

But, he said funds are not available now and school officials still trying to determine the amount of additional space needed.

With two more modular units, Helems said, the schools will have eight classrooms in modular units. This would create space to have grades six through eight together in a cluster. The sixth and seventh grades are in the existing units.

With two more units the modular cluster would, in effect, become a middle school, Helems said.

Craig added two modular units several years ago to create extra space for growth until a decision was made about permanent building. But, when schools opened for the current term, 40 students who were not shown in enrollment projections, showed up.

Helems said those 40 took up all the extra space and that more space will be needed to take care of normal growth in the 1995-96 term.

In another action, School Board members decided to visit several other school divisions to study alternative scheduling.

The board has been considering alternative scheduling as a means of making better use of the school day.

 by CNB