Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, December 10, 1994                   TAG: 9412140059
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: C-12   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


``I was just ecstatic in his presence,'' gushed Heather Moore, 17, a senior at Lord Botetourt High School. ``I mean, he talked to me like I was a normal person.''

Not only that, but, Heather adds, ``If he wasn't on a TV show, I'd think he was a normal guy.''

The object of all this teen lust was none other than Jamie Walters. If you're among the few who don't watch ``Beverly Hills 90210'' religiously, he's the guy who plays Ray Pruitt. The blue-collar character who romanced Donna - Tori Spelling's character - by filling her beachfront yard with pumpkins at Halloween.

He's also the character who brings some genuine romantic class to this ZIP code by singing ballads and love songs with his guitar.

He's left Luke Perry and Jason Priestly in the dust.

Walters was the grand prize for radio station K-92's Christmas Toy Box drive this year to benefit Toys for Tots programs in Lynchburg and the Salvation Army in the New River Valley.

Promotions director Brian ``Sky'' Keller decided to tie in local high school students in the drive for the first time by promising a concert to the school who brought in the most new toys.

Lord Botetourt won easily, edging out William Byrd with more than 250 new toys.

Thursday afternoon Walters was the grand finale to a concert on the school's football field that also featured one-hit-so-far up-and-comers Deadeye Dick and Collage.

Though Walters was only in town a few days, his visit was all the talk around town.

Even at the Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl Gala at the Salem Civic Center.

The football team from Washington and Jefferson in town for the bowl met Walters at the Holiday Inn Tanglewood where the actor and the entire football team was staying.

``Yeah, it was kind of weird, but great,'' laughed Walters Friday morning. ``Usually it's a bunch of screaming girls, but at the hotel I was surrounded by all these football players.''

More than a couple of the W&J players were proudly showing off their autographed copy of Walters' self-titled CD. CDs he just gave out to the guys in the elevator.

Walters is every bit as good-looking at 8 a.m. as he is in character at the earnest Ray Pruitt on ``90210.'' And to him, this is the greatest time of his life.

One day, he said, Aaron - that's TV mogul Aaron Spelling - asked him if he`d like to come on the show and play his music.

``He's a great guy,'' said Walters with a twinkle in his eye. ``I mean, he gave me a job. And he even gave me his daughter.''

Walters views Ray Pruitt as a little like Forrest Gump.

``He doesn't always do the right thing,'' he said. ``But somehow it always works out for the best. His heart is in the right place.''

Considering the fact that Aaron Spelling did turn over his daughter's character - Donna, the sweet girl who refuses to give up her virginity until marriage - we had to ask if Ray will be the chosen one.

``Well, if Donna's going to give up her virginity for anyone, I think it will be Ray,'' he answered. ``But she's holding onto it pretty tight.''

While in town, Walters dropped by Awful Arthur's on Thursday night and wowed the downtown crowd by jamming with Deadeye Dick.

``They sounded awesome, especially for a bunch of guys who'd never played together,'' one caller told the K-92 morning crew, deejays Sally Sevareid and MoFo on Friday morning.

The girls at Lord Botetourt were still reeling Friday morning.

``I touched him three times,'' squealed 17-year-old Jackie Mayrosh in a phone interview. ``A lot of girls didn't even get to touch him.''

She didn't get an autographed poster or picture, but when Jackie screamed out, ``Jamie, I love you!'' the heartthrob did hand her five unautographed pictures.

Heather is still in a fog.

``He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek,'' she said dreamily. Heather videotaped the concert for the school and rushed home with the video to show her mom.

``At first, she couldn't figure out who I was talking about,'' she said. ``But when she finally realized it was Ray Pruitt, she screamed, `You`ve got him on this tape!' and she ran down to play it.

``Things like this just don't happen in Botetourt,'' declared Heather.

 by CNB