Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, December 11, 1994                   TAG: 9511220119
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 12   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium



Calvin and Cathy Compton of Port Tobacco, Maryland, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret J. Compton, to Jason E. St.Clair, son of Roy and Susan St.Clair of Roanoke, Virginia.

Compton and St.Clair are May graduates of Ferrum College, Ferrum, Virginia. Living in Shenandoah County, Va., Compton is a Child Protective Services worker with a Bachelors in Social Work. St.Clair holds a Bachelors degree in Environmental Science and Chemistry.

They will be married on May 20, 1995.

\ Dudley-Dobbins

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Dudley of Christiansburg are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Rebecca Susan Dudley, to James Craig Dobbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Dobbins, also of Christiansburg.

Becky is a third year student at Radford University and is planning to receive a Bachelor's Degree in English. Craig is employed by Shepherd's Auto Supply in Christiansburg. A May wedding is planned.

\ Johns-Forbes

Mr. and Mrs. George S. Johns III of Roanoke proudly announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon Renee, to Michael Andrew Forbes, son of Mr. Donald A. Forbes of Fort Pierce, Florida and Mrs. Anne S. Forbes of Roanoke. An April wedding is planned.

\ Lovall-Largin

Patricia M. Lovall and Rainell E. Largin are engaged and planning to be married December 31, 1994 in Roanoke. She is a daughter of Mrs. Jewel Clark of Salem and the late Arthur Clark. She was graduated from Vandalia High, Vandalia, Il. and is employed by Oak Hall Cap & Gown, Salem. He is a son of Mr. Edd Largin of Fincastle and the late Ollie Mae Harless. He is employed by Professional Ophthalmic Laboratories, Inc. The wedding will be held at Edgewood Holiness Church, Roanoke, at 2:00 pm by Rev. E. R. Wood.

\ Sloan-Champney

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Sloan of Roanoke, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Amanda Kaye, to Craig Alan Champney, son of Mr. and Mrs. David E. Champney of Lynchburg, Va. Amanda graduated from Cave Spring High School and Radford University with a B.S. in Nursing. She is employed in the Emergency Department of Roanoke Memorial Hospital. Craig graduated from Lynchburg Christian Academy and the College of Health Sciences and is employed by the City of Roanoke and Lifeline Ambulance Service as a Paramedic. A May 6, 1995 wedding is planned.

 by CNB