Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 15, 1994                   TAG: 9412150020
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


As you decorate your home and make plans to celebrate the season, plan also to reduce the risk of fires and stolen Christmas presents.

AAA of Virginia's Insurance Agency offers some tips for preventing house fires:

Don't ``do it yourself'' when it comes to electrical appliances or repairs. Have any authorized service center or licensed electricians do the work.

Never use an aluminum or metal ladder when doing any electrical work, including stringing Christmas lights.

Inspect all tree light wires for cracks, wear or exposed wires.

Do not leave your Christmas lights on when you are away.

Never dispose of your Christmas tree by cutting it up and burning it in the fireplace.

Don't overload circuits.

Don't use lights, appliances, or extension cords that do not carry the Underwriters Laboratory (UL) seal.

Don't place wiring under carpeting or rugs.

Keep a fire extinguishing in the kitchen, basement and garage and know how to use it.

Have smoke detectors on each level of your home and test them regularly.

Keep baking soda handy for grease fires. Never use water!

The holiday season is popular among burglars, too. Here are some ways you can protect your home and family:

Use double-cylinder dead bolt locks on all exterior doors and keep them locked.

Keep ground floor windows locked.

Make sure your telephone answering machine does not provide would-be intruders with information about when you'll return.

If you are a single woman, ask a friend or neighbor to be with you when a repairman or sales person is expected.

Post a ``No Solicitors'' sign at your door or entrance.

Never open your door until you have identified a visitor or repairman through a window or ``peep hole.''

If you must leave older children at home alone, teach them to say, ``Mom (or Dad) is busy right now'' is he or she doesn't recognize a telephone caller's voice.

Don't put children's names on the outside of their clothing, including names on belts or other accessories. Young children could become confused is a stranger calls them by name.

In the car, place packages in the trunk or out of sight when leaving your vehicle unattended.

 by CNB