Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 15, 1994                   TAG: 9412150021
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


The mention of holidays and flowers prompts most of us to think of poinsettias. Our holiday customs have become so entrenched with the use of red poinsettias that several other, well-deserving flowering plants go unnoticed.

Not to take anything away from the appealing display of a properly grown, high-quality poinsettia, but more and more consumers are opting for something a little different in the way of yuletide flowers.

There are many other flowering plants available in florist shops, supermarkets, garden centers and greenhouses during the holidays. By carefully selecting and properly caring for these plants, you can ensure color throughout the holidays.

Amaryllis can be purchased at any stage of its development - from a single bulb to the "puffy bud" stage. Make sure one-third of the bulb (the "nose") is above the soil line; place it in a sunny, warm location, and watch the leaves and flower stem elongate. No fertilizer is necessary until after flowering, and the medium should be kept on the dry side - avoid waterlogging. Temperatures should be above 60 degrees for this tropical plant, and high light intensities help ensure that the leaves and flower stem do not stretch and topple over. An average of four weeks is required from planting the bulb to the first open flower. When you see the flower buds begin to swell and turn color, you should have open flowers in another day or two. Larger bulb sizes (10 or more inches in circumference) result in at least four flower buds, providing a longer blooming period. Amaryllis also can be found in white, pink and orange.

Gloxinias, close relatives of African violets, are low-growing, spreading plants with large, fleshy leaves and small, trumpet-shaped flowers. A high-quality plant has at least three to five open flowers and at least that many more buds showing in the center of the plant. Properly produced and marketed at the right time, a 6-inch gloxinia has a dozen or more buds and continues to flower for 3 to 4 weeks, if properly cared for. In general, gloxinias should be treated like African violets - avoid high-intensity, direct sunlight; water from the saucer with warm (at least 70-degree) water; keep on the moist side but not waterlogged; and avoid cold or hot drafts. If allowed to wilt or if placed in too dark a location, most of the buds may fall off. Gloxinias also come in purples, whites, pinks and bicolors.

The Rieger (or hiemalis) begonia looks very similar to the garden tuberous and "nonstop" begonia. The leaves are somewhat glossy and brittle, and both single and double flowers may be found on the same plant. Riegers are relatively tolerant of sun exposure and temperature, and prefer a slightly moist medium. A high-quality plant is at least half covered by flowers.

Perhaps the most durable of the red-flowering potted plants available this time of year are the kalanchoe and the ornamental peppers and cherries. While the peppers and cherries have a longer home life, both should last at least a month in the home. The close relationship of the kalanchoe and the common jade plant - thick, firm, fleshy leaves - is readily obvious. However, the kalanchoe's leaves are more flattened and tightly packed. They like it warm and dry; if you tend to forget to water your plants, this is the best candidate, though drought stress tends to promote shorter flower life.

Though one should not think of "abusing" a plant, if you need something for the top of the TV or near the heating registers, this may be it. When buying a kalanchoe, look for lots of color and few or no dead flowers. At least two or three flower clusters should be present on a 4-inch plant, and at least four or five on a 6-inch plant.

Joe Hunnings is the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service agent for agriculture in the Montgomery County Extension Office in Christiansburg. If you have questions, call him at 382-5790.

 by CNB