Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 15, 1994                   TAG: 9412220014
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


THE CRAVEN capitulation to the White House - and so to Japanese protests - over the ``mushroom-cloud stamp'' is absolutely despicable and denigrating to every person who wore a uniform in World War II.

Perhaps there should be a picture of those Americans who survived the Bataan Death March. Maybe we ought to show a few scenes from Nanking or the wreckage of Pearl Harbor.

To substitute, for the mushroom cloud, the proposed picture of Harry Truman announcing the ending of the war is like showing a television commentator at a microphone rather than the winning touchdown.

It's aggravating to contrast the constant reiteration of Nazi atrocities and the equally constant ignoring of Japanese aggression and war crimes.

Shame on the U.S. Postal Service, the White House, and our acceptance!


Fathers are the solution

CHILDREN aren't in this world to support their parents, give them love, keep them company, make them happy. It's not their job. But sometimes, because of the absence of a spouse or other adult, mothers may turn to children to meet those needs. It's understandable, but not excusable.

If it becomes an obsession, this neediness can cause the systematic displacement of fathers. We ignore the value and importance of fathers beyond ``make him pay.'' He's stripped of his parental authority. Displaced. Rendered powerless. Contrary to popular belief, he's the solution, not the problem.

While the bubble of social services grows to accommodate dependent mothers, fathers are ignored at best, punished at worst, displaced always.

Hope lies in our ability to recognize this problem, accept its existence, and act to change it for the benefit of all, including frightened and misguided mothers.


Allenomics would bankrupt Virginia

THERE'S a brave new economic world in Richmond these days. Headlines say, ``Gov. Allen promises prisons: Will pay later,'' ``Gov. Allen promises tax cut: Details to come later.'' Thank the Lord he doesn't control the General Assembly!

``Allenomics'' only adds up one way: Debt + tax cuts\ bankruptcy. In Virginia, tradition requires that we either raise revenue for huge new expenditures (note Gov. Baliles' highway initiative), or we cut expenditures before we even discuss tax cuts (note Gov. Wilder's unsuccessful proposed cut of sales taxes on food and nonprescription drugs).

We don't need Allenomics, Reaganomics, or any of their kin in Virginia. I suggest Gov. Allen either learn to control himself or move to Orange County, Calif., where Republicans really know how to play fast and loose with the public purse.


A parade without horses

I AGREE with Jerry Seidman (Dec. 10 letter to the editor, ``Salem parade not in the spirit'').

I think Roanoke and Salem have lost the reason for a ``Christmas'' parade. Vinton is more in tune. I and many others, especially horse people, missed not having horses in the parades. We like to decorate our horses and tack for the event with bells, ribbons and tinsel. We also enjoy working a crowd, especially the children. They normally don't see horses up that close.

We understand the meaning of ``safety'' and ``control.'' Salem's excuse for not having them was that last year one horse was out of control. I was there and that's ridiculous.

We have no problem abiding by any rules or expense concerning the parade or safety. We provide pooper scoopers to clean up after us, and also go to the expense of using special shoes on our horses so they'll not slip on the pavement.

Salem took horses out of the parade and Roanoke, so to speak, jumped on the parade wagon and did the same. I hope Roanoke, Salem and Vinton will reconsider and allow them back into Christmas parades. What's a parade without horses?


 by CNB