Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 15, 1994                   TAG: 9412230021
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


STEPHEN R. McCORMICK, son of Cheryl S. McCormick and Roy L. McCormick Jr., recently graduated from East Tennessee State University in Johnson City with a degree in business management.

McCormick is a 1988 graduate of Cave Spring High School.

DAVID H. HURLEY, Chapter One reading teacher at Highland Park Learning Center Magnet School, has been named the Roanoke Valley Reading Teacher of the Year.

Hurley, who wrote a book entitled "Chip's Fishing Rodeo" and two guides for teachers, "May I Share My Silver" and "Hooked on Reading Aloud," has 30 years of teaching experience with the Roanoke schools.

He was nominated by John Lensch, principal at Highland Park, and members of the school's management team.

Hurley is eligible for the Virginia Teacher of the Year award, to be given in March. The state winner will be given a scholarship

NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL recently announced the names of several students selected to participate in the All-District Chorus: Ailee Steele, Michael Giles, Carmen Davis, Melissa Robertson, Brian Hill, Allison Hurd, Kenny Malloch, Tony Stockton and Stacie Nixon. Ashley Baroulette was chosen as an alternate.

The students were chosen through auditions held by the District VI Division of the Virginia Choral Director's Association.

VALISSA DUERK of Roanoke received the Ruby Andrews Aviation Endowment. Duerk, an aeronautical studies major at the University of North Dakota, has maintained a grade-point average of 3.35 while being an active member in several associations.

The endowment is given to a student who has demonstrated scholastic achievement, leadership and service to University of North Dakota aerospace.

VALERIE COFFEY of Roanoke participated in the production of the play "Becoming Memories", which was recently presented by the Juniata College Theatre in Huntingdon, Pa. Coffey was the assistant director.

MARK FERGUSON, son of Sandra Ferguson and Larry Ferguson, both of Roanoke, was one of 38 students at Guilford College in Greensboro, N.C., to be named to the 1995 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.

Ferguson, a senior majoring in sociology/anthropology, is a 1991 graduate of William Fleming High School.

GINA PEREZ, daughter of Pat and Susan Waters of Roanoke and graduate of William Fleming High School, recently received a one-year scholarship for up to $21,000 to pay for studies at a graduate school of her choice.

Perez is a 1993 graduate of Southern Virginia College in Buena Vista, and will be a May graduate of Mary Baldwin College.

 by CNB