Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, December 17, 1994                   TAG: 9412190053
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


On the same afternoon that he was named acting athletic director at Virginia, Craig Littlepage indicated Friday that he would not seek the job on a full-time basis.

``I don't anticipate applying for the job,'' said Littlepage, who takes over for Jim Copeland, who will become the AD at Southern Methodist on Jan.15. ``I see my contributions to be in the short term.

``I think it would be a complicated situation to be acting director and be in pursuit of the job. A conscious decision was made to go in one of two directions.''

Littlepage, 43, is a former head basketball coach at the University of Pennsylvania and Rutgers who has spent much of his professional life at Virginia. He was an assistant basketball coach at UVa from 1976 to 1982 and returned to the staff in 1988.

Littlepage was named an assistant athletic director in 1990 and was promoted to associate AD in 1992. He has been most prominent as the head of selection committees that have chosen new coaches for UVa's men's lacrosse, men's tennis, volleyball and field-hockey teams.

``Craig's experience as a coach and administrator have prepared him to lead the program during this transition,'' school president John Casteen said in a prepared statement.

``He will work to protect the excellence of the program and the individuals in it, coming as close as possible to conducting business as usual.''

Littlepage said he is prepared to serve as acting director until at least the end of the spring semester. Casteen said the search for a new AD would take ``several months.''

``My approach is one of providing stability and continuity,'' Littlepage said, ``but I'm not just looking toward passing the baton.''

Littlepage's decision not to pursue the position on a full-time basis could avert a possibly awkward situation with Terry Holland, considered one of the front-runners for the job. Holland, the athletic director at Davidson, was the head basketball coach at UVa from 1974 to 1990.

``When you've had the opportunity to work with somebody for a number of years, I think the opportunity to work with that person again would be a plus,'' Littlepage said. ``I don't think that will surprise anybody, but it's not my position to lobby for any candidate.''

When pressed, Littlepage did not rule out being more receptive about the full-time position should he be approached by the search committee. However, he did not fuel that kind of speculation.

``Obviously, that's something that could happen but I haven't considered any `what ifs,''' he said. ``I [value] my ability to interact with coaches and student athletes and, based on what I've seen of Jim's schedule, you do give up some of that as an AD.''

One change in Littlepage's schedule will send him to Shreveport, La., where he will represent UVa at the Independence Bowl.

``I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to step in,'' Littlepage said, ``and also very appreciative of everybody who has supported my efforts over the last couple of years, Jim Copeland in particular.''

 by CNB