Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, December 18, 1994                   TAG: 9412190084
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-6   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: CHESTERFIELD                                LENGTH: Short


A judge has sentenced one Fort Lee soldier to five years in prison and a second to six years in prison for the attempted rape of another soldier.

Chesterfield Circuit Judge James Lumpkin on Friday sentenced Stanford L. Causey, 22, to 10 years in prison with four years suspended. He sentenced Bryan T. Bakker, 19, to 10 years in prison with five years suspended.

Lumpkin said he suspended part of each man's sentence because of their good records. He apparently also agreed with Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Kenneth E. Nickels, who told the judge that Bakker ``ought to receive some credit for testifying'' for the prosecution in Causey's case.

Sgt. David M. Hoyt of Fort Lee said the Army will kick the men out of the service under a general discharge because of the convictions.

Bakker and Causey had been charged with rape, but were convicted of attempted rape in November because the victim was unable to identify them as her attackers.

Witnesses testified at the trial that Bakker and Causey entered a room Oct. 31, 1993, at the Interstate Inn near the Interstate 95 exit at Walthall. The victim was in the room, passed out from drinking.

Attorneys for both the prosecution and defense said that there may have been a third person involved in the incident, but that person never was identified or charged. DNA testing was inconclusive.

Causey's defense attorney, Ernest P. Gates Jr., said that the two men should have received identical sentences. He said that Bakker entered the woman's room first, then left to find Causey and bring him to the room.

``He took him there and Stan didn't know what was going on until they got there,'' Gates said.

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