Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, December 20, 1994                   TAG: 9412200078
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Heironimus plans to move offices

Heironimus said Monday it will move some of its office support functions from its downtown Roanoke store to the Towers shopping center. The move will come after the first of the year, the department store chain said.

Heironimus president Larry Drombetta said the company has not yet decided which of its office departments will move or whether they will relocate to the Heironimus store or the Great Additions housewares shop.

Heironimus has said in the past that it will make a business decision at the end of 1995, when its lease expires, on whether to continue operating the downtown store on Jefferson Street.

- Staff report

Coal production rises slightly

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - Domestic coal production totaled 21.4 million tons during the week ending Dec. 10, up 1 percent from the 21.2 million tons produced the previous week, the U.S. Department of Energy reported Monday.

The U.S. coal industry produced 19.4 million tons in the same week last year, according to the department's Energy Information Administration.

Domestic coal production so far this year is 976 million tons, 8.5 percent ahead of last year's production at this time.

- Associated Press

Special showing for Maddox ad

An advertisement prepared by The Maddox Agency of Roanoke has been selected to appear in a special showcase issue of Print magazine, a publication in the field of graphic design.

The piece, which the agency prepared for Total Action Against Poverty on an unpaid basis, was chosen from more than 35,000 entries. This is the second time in three years that work by the Maddox Agency has been chosen to appear in the "Print Regional Design Annual."

- Staff report

 by CNB