Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, January 4, 1995                   TAG: 9501040075
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Factory building treatment plant

Georgia Bonded Fibers Inc., Buena Vista maker of cellulose materials used in footwear, headwear, luggage, leather goods and by the automotive industry, said Tuesday it has contracted with Hammond-Mitchell Inc. of Covington to construct a $1.5 million wastewater treatment system at Bontex's Buena Vista plant.

The project, designed by Earth Tech Inc. of Charlottesville, is intended to satisfy Bontex's obligations to address certain effluent limitations in its Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination Permit.

- Wire report

Coal production shows slight drop

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - Domestic coal production totaled 20.3 million tons during the week ending Dec. 24, down slightly from the 20.5 million tons produced the previous week, the U.S. Department of Energy reported Tuesday. Virginia mines produced 837,000 tons during the week ended Dec. 24, up from 553,000 tons a year earlier.

The U.S. coal industry produced 15.8 million tons in the same week in 1993, which included the Christmas holiday, according to the department's Energy Information Administration.

Domestic coal production through Dec. 24 was 1 billion tons, about 8 percent ahead of 1993's production for the same period.

- Associated Press

 by CNB