Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, January 6, 1995                   TAG: 9501060067
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


WHAT A MAN: He was a historian, explorer, naturalist and conservationist, soldier, Nobel Peace Prize winner, husband, father, former president of the United States and inspiration for the ever-popular Teddy Bear.

Actor Steve Brown brings this most complex, intriguing individual to life in playwright Jerome H. Alden's one-man show, "Bully!, the Adventures of Theodore Roosevelt." The play opens tonight with performances tonight and Saturday at 7:30 at the Playmakers' Playhouse, University Mall, Blacksburg. Performances are also scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 13, Jan. 14, Jan. 20 and Jan. 21; 2 p.m. matinees are scheduled for Sunday and Jan. 15.

Tickets cost $6; $4 for students and seniors. Reservations are recommended. Call 382-0154.

TRY-OUT TRY OUT: Centerpieces, a free lunchtime series of staged readings at Mill Mountain Theatre, Roanoke, tries out new short works by emerging playwrights. Wednesday's staged reading, "Beating the Odds," by Lynchburg actress-playwright--director Jody Wade, is a one-act comedy about actors' trials and tribulations during try outs.

Bring your brown-bag lunch or buy a box lunch at the theater and empathize with the auditioners Wednesday at 12:15 p.m. Call 342-5740.

WRITERS' HOW TO: "How Writing is Written" will be discussed Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. by novelist David Huddle and at 1:15 p.m. in a panel discussion by Hollins writers Rita Ciresi, Lucy Ferriss and Marilyn Moriarty. Informal discussion will follow each seminar at Hollins College, Babcock Auditorium, Dana Science Building. Call 362-6452.

DRAMA HOW TO: Three-time Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Edward Albee, best known for "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf," will on Jan 13 at 7:30 p.m. discuss his award-winning works. A collaboration between North Cross School and Mill Mountain Theatre will bring the prolific writer, hailed by some critics as "America's most important dramatist still living," to Mill Mountain Theatre, Center in the Square, Roanoke. Tickets for "An Evening with Edward Albee" cost $10. Call 342-5740.

ELVIS SIGHTING: This may be as close to The King as it gets when Friday and Jan. 14 at 8:30 p.m. International Elvis Impersonator Contest winner Michael Hoover presents his "Memories of Elvis" show. Hoover, reportedly "discovered" by Roseanne in a Los Angeles delicatessen, has opened for the comedienne in Las Vegas and had a story line about Elvis/Michael written for her hit TV show.

A floor show will precede dancing to the tunes of Elvis and his band in this "comeback event of the century" in the Grand Ballroom of the Martha Washington Inn, Abingdon. Tickets cost $10. Call 628-3161 or (800) 533-1014, ext. 281.

GALAX GRASS: The Lost & Found was formed in 1973 by musicians who were "lost" in other bands but "found" their mutual love for bluegrass in their new group. Find them, along with New Autumn Jan. 14, 7:30 p.m., Rex Theatre, Galax. Tickets cost $6 at the door. Call 236-0668.

SEEING GREEN: On Jan. 14, Dorothy, Toto, the Cowardly Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow journey to the Emerald City in the familiar favorite, "The Wizard of Oz." The production, performed by Bob Brown Puppet Productions of Arlington - frequent guests on ``Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood'' - will be presented at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at the Lynchburg Fine Arts Center. Sponsor Westover Dairy will provide free milk and juice at each performance. Tickets, available at the center, cost $4. Call (804) 846-8451.

 by CNB