Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, January 8, 1995                   TAG: 9501090062
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Votes of Western Virginia representatives on major legislation last week. A ``Y''means the member voted for the measure; an ``N'' means the member voted against the measure.


No votes last week.



By a vote of 228-202, the House on Wednesday elected Rep. Newt Gingrich of Georgia as its first Republican speaker in 40 years. The vote fell strictly along party lines, with four members voting present. The vote left Rep. Richard Gephardt, D-Mo., as leader of the House minority. A ``yes'' vote favors electing Gingrich.

Rep. Rick Boucher, D-Abingdon N

Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Roanoke Y

Rep. L.F. Payne, D-Nelson County N

Truth in budgeting

The House on Wednesday approved by a 421-6 vote a measure requiring the Congressional Budget Office to stop using inflation-adjusted spending levels in preparing its budget estimates. A ``yes'' vote favors truth-in-budgeting reforms.

Boucher Y

Goodlatte Y

Payne Y

Super-majority on taxes

The House approved Wednesday by a vote of 279-152 a measure that would require a three-fifths majority to pass any income tax increases, as opposed to the simple majority currently required. A ``yes'' vote favors requiring a three-fifths majority to pass any income tax increases.

Boucher N

Goodlatte Y

Payne N

Gift ban

The House rejected by a 227-201 vote a Democratic plan that would have banned lawmakers from receiving gifts from lobbyists and would have limited the amount of money members could receive for publishing deals. A ``yes'' vote favors the Democratic plan.

Boucher Y

Goodlatte N

Payne Y

Congressional Accountability Act

The House agreed Wednesday by a 429-0 vote to pass the Congressional Accountability Act, lifting exemptions Congress currently enjoys from various worker-safety, civil-rights and fair-employment laws. It would also create a fund from which judgments against Congress could be paid. A ``yes'' vote favors bringing Congress into compliance with various employment laws.

Boucher Y

Goodlatte Y

Payne Y

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