Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, January 13, 1995                   TAG: 9501130086
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: BLACKSBURG                                 LENGTH: Medium


THE HOKIES BELIEVE they have a golden opportunity to prove something to the Cavs and the poll voters.

At least this time, the Virginia Tech women's basketball team thinks it has a chance against Virginia.

And if you're coach Carol Alfano, you take that thought and run with it. It sure slam-dunks the previous line of thinking.

``There have been some years we've gone into this game on a hope and a prayer that we can pull it off,'' said Alfano, whose Hokies take on ninth-ranked Virginia at 7 p.m. today at Cassell Coliseum. ``But I think this is the golden opportunity for us. This is as good a chance as we've had to beat Virginia.''

If Tech does, it will be news. The Hokies have lost 11 consecutive meetings with Virginia. Tech's last victory in the series was 63-56 at the Roanoke Civic Center during the 1981-82 season.

``Is that right?'' Alfano said. ``All I know is that it has been years and years and years ... it's been forever.''

The Cavaliers (11-2) come to Cassell with a seven-game winning streak. Tech (10-4) has won three in a row since losing 57-52 to 1994 NCAA champion North Carolina on Dec.30 at home.

The Hokies, who made their first NCAA Tournament appearance last season, have been stuck on the fringe of the Top 25 this season.

``We need a big win, a big win over somebody else in the country who everybody thinks is pretty good, because right now we're getting only 15 votes'' in the Associated Press Top 25 poll, Alfano said. ``I would think a win over Virginia would put us in the Top 25. It would give us the quality win we're searching for.''

To find it, the Hokies will have to be perfect or close to it - especially in the game's first 10 minutes - Alfano said.

``My assistant, Bonnie [Henrickson], put together some stats in terms of the first 10 minutes of each game and how they outplay us,'' she said. ``We've been out of the game after 10 minutes, and then we settle down.

``Last year, we didn't rebound offensively, didn't stop the transition and before we blink we're out of the game,'' Tech's coach said. ``You can't spot people points when you're playing somebody that good. That's a big hole. You're trying to cross the Grand Canyon if you're going to do that with a team like Virginia.''

The key for the Hokies will be tempo. In last season's 78-66 loss in Charlottesville, Tech pretty much battled on even terms with UVa in the half-court game.

``It was Virginia's transition game that killed us,'' said Jenny Root, the Hokies' senior center. ``They scored lot of points on layups and steals. We can't let that happen this time.''

Alfano said the Hokies will have to get points from other sources besides Root and senior forward Christi Osborne. Root (16.5 points per game) and Osborne (11.5 ppg) are the only Tech players averaging in double figures.

``It has been getting better, but early on it was the Jenny and Christi show,'' Alfano said. ``We need Lisa Leftwich and Angela Donnell to have good games offensively, while Terri Garland has to distribute ball and keep the turnovers down.''

Defensively, Tech's biggest problem will be handling center Wendy Palmer, who is averaging 15.1 points and 10.8 rebounds a game, and neutralizing the quickness of point guard Tora Suber.

The Hokies are undaunted.

``This is our best opportunity since I've been here to upset them,'' Root said. ``We're playing well right now and we've had all week to prepare.

``I think in the past they've just been that much better. So to beat Virginia would be a great way to go out. This is my last chance at them, so it's now or never.''

The game will be shown on a tape-delay basis at 10 p.m. by HTS cable. Bill Roth will handle play-by-play and Danny Monk, Tech's associate athletic director, will provide color commentary.

 by CNB