Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, January 16, 1995                   TAG: 9501250018
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


MINNESOTA OF THE IHL returns the ECHL All-Stars to Roanoke. But how long will they stay here?

The Roanoke Express got some much-needed good news Sunday night when it learned ECHL All-Star goalie Dave Gagnon and All-Star defenseman Michael Smith have been reassigned to Roanoke by the Minnesota Moose of the International Hockey League.

The Express, mired in a franchise-record six-game winless streak, has not won since Gagnon was called up by the Moose on Jan.3.

It was a surprising announcement, but one not totally unexpected by Pierre Paiement, the Express' general manager. When Gagnon was called up by Minnesota, Paiement had asked that he be returned by Jan.15.

Minnesota obliged. The question now is just how long will Gagnon stay in Roanoke? Gagnon, who compiled an 0-1-1 record and a 4.03 goals-against average with Minnesota, signed a 25-game contract with the Moose, who could recall him at any time.

Gagnon replaced Minnesota goalie Frank Pietrangelo, who underwent arthroscopic knee surgery and is expected to be out for at least two more weeks.

``We need to find out from Minnesota what their situation is as soon as possible,'' Paiement said. ``We need to know what their goalie situation is. Losing Gagnon again is still a concern of ours.''

Gagnon, who was the ECHL's second-leading goaltender when he was called up, had a 14-5-4 record and a 2.70 goals-against for Roanoke.

Smith's reassignment is somewhat of surprise, as well, considering he had just reported to Minnesota on Saturday. It was the third time he had been called up by the Moose this season.

``Michael Smith is very tired right now,'' Paiement said. ``All this traveling back and forth has been counterproductive for him. I understand the situation Minnesota is in with [a lack of] players, but they need to resolve it.''

Both players will be in uniform for Roanoke's game at Charlotte on Tuesday. Veteran goalie John Bradley, whom the Express coaxed out of retirement when Gagnon was called up, is the most likely to be let go, since ECHL rules permit teams to carry only three players with three years' professional experience.

 by CNB