Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, January 17, 1995                   TAG: 9501170134
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: BRIDGEWATER                                 LENGTH: Medium


Mike Clark, formerly the defensive coordinator at Virginia Tech and VMI, was named head football coach at Bridgewater College on Monday.

Clark, a 38-year-old University of Cincinnati graduate, takes over a program that has not had a winning season since 1980 and did not win a game last season under Max Lowe.

Lowe resigned in November after compiling a 5-25 record in three seasons.

``We were looking for someone who has an understanding of winning, who motivates and inspires, is an excellent role model and is a good coach and teacher on and off the field,'' Bridgewater President Dr. Phillip C. Stone said Monday.

``In Mike Clark, we believe we've found all that.''

Clark earlier had coached at Murray (Ky.) State, where he began his association with Racers' head coach Frank Beamer, who later became his boss at Virginia Tech.

Clark was the defensive coordinator at Tech for five years until he was released after a 2-8-1 season in 1992. He was a defensive coordinator at VMI in 1993 and took over the quarterbacks last year.

``When I first met with Dr. Stone, one of my earliest comments to him was, `I'm willing to give up a lot of things, but I don't want to give up the opportunity to win and to be successful,''' Clark said. ``In my meetings with Dr. Stone, I was convinced he felt the same way. Without Dr. Stone's commitment, I wouldn`t be here.''

Bill Stewart, VMI's football coach, said a search for Clark's replacement will begin at VMI.

``We've got some guys on our staff who are quality coaches,'' Stewart said. ``We're going to look to the home guys first and then see what happens after that.''

 by CNB