Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, January 19, 1995                   TAG: 9501190071
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-14   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


SOME TIME ago you published news articles about changes in health care in the Roanoke Valley, as viewed by Carilion Health System and Lewis-Gale Hospital. These articles took great pains to have us believe that the changes taking place were without sacrifice in quality of health care.

Don't you believe it!

Recently, I heard an experienced, competent, dedicated nurse at Roanoke Memorial say: I would not want to be a patient in this hospital now.

The business community has cried for cheap health care, and that's exactly what they're getting.

Hospital census is drastically reduced from that of a few years ago. As a result, available beds and available personnel are also reduced. Now that hospitals aren't contributing as much to the total health-care bill, if we could get rid of insurance companies, maybe true health-care reform could be achieved.

Just think how much money could be saved if we didn't have to support health-insurance executives' salaries, and thousands of computer operators needed to do their dirty work.

I congratulate Lewis-Gale and Roanoke Memorial hospitals for passing with flying colors the recent inspection by the Joint Commission of the American Hospital Association. I'm sure these inspections serve a purpose in upgrading the quality of hospital health care. But hospitals, patients and physicians could feel even more proud if these inspections weren't pre-announced.



Would GOP snub Nancy Reagan, too?

IT WAS truly sad to read (Jan. 15 news article, ``GOP hits Warner's `treason''') that Sen. John Warner was snubbed at the GOP banquet, so he left.

So much ugliness has been shown him because he didn't endorse Oliver North in the recent Senate election. As far as I know, Warner is an honest, upright man with a conscience, which apparently is a rare commodity in those who have spoken out about him.

Do you endorse a candidate solely on party label? Whether Democrat or Republican, doesn't anything else matter?

Eleanor Clift wrote (Jan. 15 commentary, ``Derided as elitist, Mrs. Reagan was a success''): ``Oliver North might be in the Senate today if Nancy Reagan had not called him a liar.'' President Reagan said he was; Colin Powell and Col. Arnold Schwartzkopf said they couldn't endorse him. Apparently, their knowledge of North and their consciences wouldn't permit it.

My favorite author, E.G. White, wrote: ``The greatest want of the world is the want of men - men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heaven's fall.''

God bless Warner, and send us more like him.



Right priorities from the third floor

THE STATE-of-the-commonwealth address was a wonderful speech, even from a conference room on the third floor of the Capitol. Gov. Allen spoke to and for those who voted him in. It's hoped the General Assembly got the message.

It's good to have a person in charge who believes that those able to work must. Ideally, the big giveaway is over. When you know people who get food stamps who could work but refuse to, it will be a great day when it's over.

Now, people are encouraged to stay poor by the continuance of giveaway programs. It would be OK to help them get on their feet and start working so that they can be responsible citizens.

As for the school system, it seems money is going into a bottomless pit. Not much to show for what's spent. Teachers need more authority in the classroom. In years past, schools turned out well-educated men and women without government handouts. I know things have changed. But we must quit robbing Peter to pay Paul.



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