Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, January 19, 1995                   TAG: 9501190126
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


The first moonshine raid of 1995 in Franklin County netted 100 gallons of whiskey, six stills and two arrests Monday.

Ronald Wayne Richardson, 34, and Kevin Haywood Smith, 21, were arrested by Alcohol Beverage Control agents at a site containing six 800-gallon stills, an ABC news release said.

The distillery was in a wooded area in the Sontag area, just off Virginia 844. The release said the distillery was in operation at the time of the raid.

Richardson, of Chatham, and Smith, of Callands, were charged with manufacturing alcoholic beverages without a license.

Agents said they destroyed the whiskey and 4,800 gallons of mash.

The release said ABC estimated the distillery was capable of making about $6,500 worth of whiskey per week.

Less than a year ago, agents raided a distillery in the Sydnorsville area and discovered an operation with 12 800-gallon stills.

The largest illegal distillery in Virginia history was found in Pittsylvania County in January 1993. Paul Andrew Henson was sentenced to eight years in prison for operating a 28-still whiskey production that could have brought in up to $5million in its first year.

 by CNB