Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, January 21, 1995                   TAG: 9501230054
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


New River Valley Speedway's top drivers received a record $39,688 in points and bonus money during the seventh annual awards banquet Friday night at the Salem Civic Center.

Jeff Agnew of Floyd, winner of the Late Model Stock Car division, took home more than $9,000. Other track champions recognized were Charlie Miles, Christiansburg, Limited Sportsman; Tony Howell, Christiansburg, Modified Mini Stock; Gene Duncan, Radford, Mini Stock; and Davis Phillips, Plum Creek, Pure Stock.

Each track champion also received a 14k gold ring, sterling silver platter and jacket in addition to the money.

Ray Young of Bassett received the Curtis Turner Memorial Hard-Charger Award. Bunny Turner, widow of the racing legend, and R.B. Duncan, award sponsor, presented Young with a trophy and a $1,000 check. A special five-member committee chose Young to receive the award from the list of weekly winners.

Other awards included rookies of the year, Barry Nolen, Pure Stock; Ray Sowers, Mini Stock; Tim Maiden, Modified Mini; Tam Topham, Limited; and Chad Harris, LMSC. Most popular driver honors were won by Phillips, Pure Stock; Duncan, Mini Stock; Howell, Modified Mini; Rock Harris, Limited; and Stacy Compton, LMSC.

Others receiving awards were Clifford Eanes, Victor Albert, Arnie Arrington, Gold Wrench Awards; Tommy Allie and Aaron Deplazes, tied for most Pure Stock Poles with seven each; Duncan, 17, Mini Stock; Howell, six, Modified Mini Stock; Rock Harris, 12, Limited Sportsman; Agnew, 13, LMSC. Most wins honors were taken by Allie, 12, Pure Stock; Duncan, 12, Mini Stock; Howell, seven, Modified Mini Stock; Harris, 11, Limited Sportsman, and Agnew, 11, LMSC.

Tabitha Hawley of Radford was introduced as Miss New River Valley for 1995. She replaces Gwynne Poff, who has stepped down. Alternates are Heather Edens and Kelli Wright, both of Pulaski.


 by CNB