Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, February 6, 1995                   TAG: 9502060082
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Competing in the under-12 Division, the Roanoke Star under-10 White girls' soccer team won four games en route to the title of the Kik-It Indoor Tournament Saturday and Sunday in Kingsport, Tenn.

The Star outscored two teams from Kingsport and one from Bristol by a total of 30-6. Cari Holt, Ginny Moore and Lindsay Leffler each scored six goals and Clair VanBuren had three goals and six assists. Jeni Banning and goalkeeper Charlotte Manetta led the team defensively.

In other sports news in the region:

The Roanoke Star White under-16 soccer team won its bracket in the Kik-It Tournament held in Kingsport, Tenn.

The Star had a 4-0 record, including a 7-5 win over the Johnson City (Tenn.) Lady Falcons in the championship game. Margaret Hunter Turner led the Star by scoring five goals and Annie Eure added the other two goals to carry the Star to the championship.

At Greensboro, N.C., the Roanoke Star under-12 White boys' soccer team beat the Greensbor Twister White team 5-3 to claim the title at the St. Valentines Day Indoor Tournament.

Midfielder Donny Smith scored three goals and forward Michael Kramer added two for Roanoke. Smith was named the tournament's most valuable player.

Roanoke beat the New River Lasers 6-0 in the first round before recording a 3-3 tie against the Jamestown Jammers and a 1-1 tie over the Greensboro Twister White. In the semifinals, Roanoke defeate the Greensboro Twister Green 2-1 in overtime.

The Salem Sabres under-11 Maroon boys team finished second in a 10-team division in the St. Valentine's Indoor Classic in Greensboro, N.C.

The Sabres were 3-2 in the tournament. Salem won its semifinal 4-3 in overtime against Jamestown, N.C., Jammers White team, and lost to the Jamestown Jammers Blue team 2-1 in the final.

Salem's Josh Bromfield was named outstanding player of the tournament.

 by CNB