Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, February 7, 1995                   TAG: 9502070080
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


First Colony

First Colony Corp., Lynchburg life insurance company, reported net income of $11.1 million, or 21 cents per share, on pretax operating income of $44 million for last year's fourth quarter, compared with year-earlier $57 million, or $1.15 per share, on income of $42.5 million. For the year, net income was $106.9 million, or $2.10 per share, on operating income of $164.2 million, compared with year-earlier $203.9 million, or $4.12 per share, on income of $164.2 million.

Georgia Bonded Fibers

Georgia Bonded Fibers Inc., Newark, N.J., operator of a fiberboard and foam products plant in Buena Vista, reported a loss of $65,000, equal to 4 cents per share, on sales of $11.9 million in its second quarter ended Dec. 31, compared with earnings of $161,000, or 10 cents per share, on sales of $11.7 million in the 1993 period. In the first half-year, the loss was $317,000, equal to 20 cents per share, on sales of $22.9 million. During the year-earlier six months, a change in accounting procedures produced a one-time $400,000 gain, boosting earnings to $382,000, or 24 cents per share, on sales of $21.4 million.


The Kroger Co., Cincinnati-based supermarket chain operating a mid-Atlantic marketing area office/warehouse and stores in the Roanoke Valley, reported earnings of $91.5 million, or 74 cents per share, on sales of $5.59 billion in the October-December quarter, compared with $82.7 million, or 68 cents per share, on sales of $5.40 billion in the 1993 quarter. For 1994, earnings were $242.2 million, or $1.98 per share, on sales of $23 billion, compared with a loss of $12.2 million, or a positive 3 cents per share, on sales of $22.38 billion during 1993.


Winn-Dixie Stores Inc., Jacksonville, Fla., grocer operating supermarkets in Western Virginia, reported earnings of $67.5 million, or 91 cents per share, on sales of $3.5 billion in its second quarter ended Jan. 11, compared with $63.8 million, or 85 cents per share, on sales of $3.35 billion in the year-ago period. Earnings were $107.5 million, or $1.45 per share, on sales of $6.1 billion for the half, compared with $99.7 million, or $1.33 per share, on sales of $5.8 billion.

 by CNB