Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, February 8, 1995                   TAG: 9502080047
DATELINE: PULASKI                                LENGTH: Medium


The town of Pulaski will fund its share of a $30,000 study on the future of emergency medical services in Pulaski County.

The recommendation came Tuesday from the town's Finance Committee, at an early morning meeting that included most of the Town Council members. The town's share will be $8,700, based on population, with the rest to be divided between Pulaski County and the town of Dublin.

The study will be made by a Missouri-based consultant, Fitch & Associates.

Two volunteer rescue squads operating from five stations now provide emergency medical services to the county. The squads have had increasing difficulty recruiting and keeping volunteers. Its also harder for the volunteers to get all the training they want and are required to have.

The study will define the present level of care in the county, and make a recommendation as to the level appropriate for the future. It will analyze the recruiting and retention of volunteers, develop funding requirements for the future, evaluate other possible emergency services delivery options, and offer both five-year and 10-year plans for improvements.

Richard A. Keller, who has conducted similar studies elsewhere, will head the team of consultants. The secondary researcher will be Ed Weinberg, a former chief executive officer for a medical transportation division at the University of Pittsburgh. The third team member will be Jack Morasch, who has operated emergency services systems.

The Finance Committee also received a draft of an investment policy to draw interest from the town's unspent funds, such as federal grant monies. The town will also seek proposals from local financial institutions for a three-year banking services contract.

The committee also received a proposal from Roscoe Cox, the town's economic development director, on plans for the second annual Depot Day program. The event originated last year with the dedication of the town's renovated train station. The tentative dates for this year's celebration are June 9 and 10.

Cox proposed a $20,900 budget, part of which would be sought from local businesses and merchants. He wanted a commitment from the town as early as possible so there would be time to line up entertainers for the day.

Last year, most of the Depot Day activities were held downtown. As now planned, the activities would center on the train station and Municipal Building but would also extend to Memorial Square Shopping Center and Pulaski Mall during the day. Evening activities would be in the National Guard Armory on June 9 and Calfee Park June 10.

 by CNB