Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, February 11, 1995                   TAG: 9502140042
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 12   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


There's no need to sugarcoat it: "Billy Madison" is a rotten movie. So rotten it's painful to sit through.

For comparative purposes, it's similar to, but much much worse than last summer's stinker, "Richie Rich." It's yet another "stupid" comedy, but in this case, the characters are deliberately off-putting. Even the ones who are supposed to be sympathetic have an unpleasant streak. Apparently, the filmmakers - director Tamra Davis and writer-star Adam Sandler - were aiming for the whimsical attitude that made "Wayne's World" such a hit, but they missed it completely.

The title character, played by Sandler, is difficult to describe. He's a hotel magnate's (Darren McGavin) childish adult son who spends his days drinking daiquiris, reading "nudie magazines" and hallucinating a giant penguin. If an unholy genetic experiment were to combine DNA from Jerry Lewis and Pee-Wee Herman, it would produce Billy Madison.

When his father is ready to retire, Billy decides to take over the family business. To prove himself worthy, he vows to complete elementary and high school on his own, spending only two weeks in each class.

His first-grade teacher, Miss Lippy (Dina Platias), provides the film's only laughs as a woman whose incessant pleasantness masks a darker side. His third-grade teacher (Bridgette Wilson) is the blonde love interest. The rest of the film combines some sadistic physical humor with seamy, smirking sexual jokes - in an elementary school setting.

Either Tamra Davis had very little money to work with or she spent it poorly. The film has a cut-rate, grainy look that's certainly appropriate to the sloppy story, but that doesn't make it any easier to watch.

Though the year is young, "Billy Madison" is already guaranteed a place on many Worst-of-1995 lists.

Billy Madison


A Universal release playing at the Valley View Mall 6 and Salem Valley 8. 85 min. Rated PG-13 for strong language, bathroom humor.

 by CNB