Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, February 18, 1995                   TAG: 9502220031
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: NEW YORK                                LENGTH: Medium


Major-league baseball officials, insisting nothing had changed in their policy, said Friday they don't profit from the money they receive from licensed goods sold to Little League teams.

The issue came to light Thursday in a story by Florida Today, which said Major League Baseball Properties, the licensing arm of the big leagues, was ``cracking down on Little League teams and amateur adult leagues'' by forcing them to buy only licensed goods with big league nicknames.

The commissioner's office, beseiged with telephone calls Friday, claimed major league teams aren't profiting at the expense of the Little Leaguers.

``It's not a money issue. It's a matter of trademark use,'' said Don Gibson, MLBP's vice president and general counsel. ``If you don't protect your trademark, you risk losing it.''

Little League baseball issued a statement saying: ``Little Leaguers have been proudly wearing the names of major league baseball teams since the early 1950s. Little League baseball understands that major league baseball has a need to control and protect the trademarked names of their teams. We also understand that it is not the intent of individual major league teams to receive a fee as a result of the use of those trademark names by Little League teams.

``We are optimistic that the tradition of using major league team names can be continued.''

Major League Baseball Properties is attempting to prevent manufacturers who don't have a license from producing goods with big league nicknames and selling them to youth leagues.

The commissioner's office issued a statement saying big league teams give back any money they earn from licensed goods sold to the kids.

``It is major league baseball's intent to encourage Little League clubs and other youth baseball clubs to use the names of major league teams, not discourage it,'' acting commissioner Bud Selig said. ``Our commitment to amateur baseball and to youth baseball will remain strong.''

The commissioner's office said it gives $1 million a year to youth baseball organizations and that the 28 teams give about $4.5 million more.

``The Boston Red Sox are completely unaware of receiving any funds or fees from the sale of merchandise bearing the Red Sox name or logo to Little League baseball,'' the team said. ``Should the Red Sox find that there has been any fee paid directly or indirectly by Little League baseball to the Boston Red Sox for the use of merchandise and uniforms bearing the Red Sox name, it will be refunded to Little League Baseball immediately.''

 by CNB