Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, February 20, 1995                   TAG: 9502210039
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Almost 9 in 10 in the Roanoke Valley say they're covered by health insurance. And we're pretty happy with the cost, too, even if most of us are footing at least part of the bill ourselves.

Are you covered by a health insurance policy?

Yes 88%

No 12%

Who covered, and who's not?

The groups most likely not to be covered by health insurance are the young, the less educated and the poor.


Only 7 in 10 Generation Xers are covered; among other age groups, more than 9 in 10 have policies.

18-29: 69%

30-49: 90%

50-64: 91%

65 and up: 95%


High school drop-outs are less likely to be covered than those who went further in school.

High school drop-outs: 81%

High school grads: 85%

Some college: 91%

College graduates: 96%

Advanced degrees: 92%


Just over half of those with household incomes of less than $10,000 are covered.

Less than $10,000: 56%

$10,000-$19,999: 86%

$20,000-$29,999: 94%

$30,000-$39,999: 92%

$40,000 and up: 98%

Why aren't some people covered?

Two-thirds of those who aren't covered say it's because they can't afford a health insurance policy.

Too expensive 64%

Other 36%

Who pays for insurance?

Two-thirds pay for at least some of their health insurance.

Employer pays 24%

Self-paid 26%

Both pay 43%

Medicare/Medicaid 7%

Women are more likely than men to be paying themselves for all their health insurance coverage.


Employer pays: 30%

Self-paid : 20%

Both pay: 46%

Government: 4%


Employer pays: 19%

Self-paid: 31%

Both pay: 42%

Government: 8%

How satisified are you with the cost of health insurance?

Few complaints here: Almost three-fourths are very satisfied or somewhat satisfied by the cost of health insurance.

Very satisified 38%

Somewhat satisfied 34%

Not very satisfied: 17%

Not satisfied at all: 11%

Not surprisingly, those who aren't satisfied with the cost tend to be those making less money.

How satisfied are you with the coverage of health insurance?

Most of us are. More than 8 in 10 say they're very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their policy's coverage.

Very satisfied: 44%

Somewhat satisfied: 41%

Not very satisfied: 11%

Not satisfied at all: 4%

The Roanoke Valley Poll was conducted by Roanoke College's Center for Community Research. The poll surveyed 400 Roanoke Valley residents and has a margin of error of 5 percentage points. Among demographic subgroups, the margin may be higher.

 by CNB