Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, February 23, 1995                   TAG: 9503040006
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Roanoke festival offering scholarships

Roanoke Festival in the Park is accepting applications for three scholarships to graduating high school seniors or college freshman planning further studies in the arts.

The scholarships, for $1,000, $750 and $500, are for students whose parents' permanent residences are within 100 miles of Roanoke and who are studying music, dance, painting, drawing, sculpture, theater and writing.

This year, the $1,000 scholarship will be dedicated to the memory of Roanoke artist John Will Creasy.

Deadline is April 17.

Applications are available through high schools and colleges, or by calling the festival office at 342-2640.

Valley Beautiful elects 1995 officers

Lucy Ellett has been elected president of Valley Beautiful Inc. for 1995.

Also elected as officers were: Charles Blankenship, vice president; Ann Weaver, secretary; and William Hubbard, treasurer.

Members selected to serve on the board were: Peggy Davis, Robert H. Fetzer, Linda L. Holsinger, Robert A. Hope, Douglas C. Waters, Carolyn Wharton and Virginia Lee Wolfe.

Valley Beautiful is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the beautification of the Roanoke Valley.

MS group seeking volunteers, walkers

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is seeking walkers and volunteers for an April 1 walkathon to be held in Roanoke.

Participants who raise $125 or more will be entered in a national drawing for a pair of round-trip tickets for two to Rome. Two sets of domestic round-trip tickets from TWA also will be awarded.

Money raised by walkers supports national research for a cure. MS is a chronic, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that affects young adults.

For more information or to volunteer to help with the walk, call Michelle Bradley at (804) 971-8010 or (800) 451-0373.

Roanoke YWCA elects officers for '95

The YWCA of Roanoke Valley has announced the names of new officers elected to serve for the 1995 year.

They are: Virginia "Ginny" Allison, president; Elizabeth "Ibby" Greer, president-elect; Gloria Reiske, vice president; Agness Henderson, treasurer; and Delores Y. Johns, secretary.

Salem schools plan kindergarten sign-ups

Salem schools will hold registration for the fall kindergarten class during the week of March 6.

Parents of any child who will be 5 years old before Sept. 30 should stop by the neighborhood school's office that week between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to register and receive information about the school.

Spring registration helps schools plan for the new year's materials, texts and number of teachers. Parents become familiar with their children's new school and activities.

Salem has 16 kindergarten classes at East Salem, West Salem, South Salem, and G.W. Carver elementary schools.

To learn which school serves your neighborhood, call the Salem School Board office at 389-0130.

Reading group collects children's books

The Roanoke Valley Reading Council, in conjunction with area Kroger stores, is sponsoring a book collection to gather children's books for needy families in Roanoke.

Books will be collected Saturday from 10 am. to 1 p.m. at the following Kroger stores: Spartan Square, Salem; Towne Square and Tanglewood, Roanoke; and Lake Drive Plaza, Vinton.

Please plan to donate used and/or new books suitable for children ages 2-18.

 by CNB