Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, February 24, 1995                   TAG: 9502240074
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


THE SON OF EX-HOKIES STAR Kenny Edwards has decided to transfer to a Division I-AA school as he seeks more playing time.

Running back Tommy Edwards has decided to walk away from Virginia Tech.

The former Radford High School standout confirmed Thursday he has left the Tech football program.

Edwards said he would like to transfer to one of three NCAA Division I-AA schools - James Madison, Appalachian State or Marshall. By transferring from Division I-A Tech to a I-AA program, Edwards would be eligible to play in the fall.

Edwards, who will be a redshirt junior with two years of eligibility remaining, noted the decision to leave Tech wasn't easy. For two seasons, he wore the same jersey No.33 as his father, Kenny, who was a running back and linebacker at Tech from 1967-69.

``When I came here, I felt like I was coming into a comfortable situation,'' Edwards said. ``I thought I knew the coaches well and the players well, but a lot of things changed.''

Frank Beamer, Tech's head coach, was unavailable Thursday for comment on Edwards' departure.

After being redshirted by Tech in 1992, Edwards played in all 11 games in '93, running for 357 yards on 78 carries and scoring 10 touchdowns, a Tech record for a freshman.

Last season, Edwards rushed for 378 yards on 115 carries with three touchdowns in a backup role behind Dwayne Thomas, the Hokies' leading ground-gainer.

In Tech's 45-23 loss to Tennessee in the Gator Bowl, Edwards carried the ball one time, gaining 1 yard.

``That was hard to deal with,'' Edwards said. ``I wanted to be a part of the team and help the team. Just to stand there and look was tough.''

Edwards, Timesland's offensive player of the year in 1991 as a senior at Radford, said playing time was only part of his decision to leave Blacksburg.

``Playing time is certainly the part that sticks out,'' he said. ``But there was a lot of other stuff that I'd rather not comment on.

``This is not a decision I wanted to make. But I was kind of forced into it by the situation I was in.''

The 6-foot, 208-pounder figured to be no better than third on the depth chart at tailback for 1995, behind Thomas and sophomore Ken Oxendine.

``They talked about moving me to fullback, and that would have been fine with me,'' Edwards said. ``I would have moved during the season or now. They also talked about moving me to linebacker.''

Ultimately, Edwards decided his best move was to find another school.

``It's my decision,'' Edwards said. ``My family has really supported me on this. It's not something you like to do, but, hey, like I said, things change.''

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