Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 1, 1995                   TAG: 9503010075
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


ROANOKE COLLEGE basketball players Allison Malkin and Joe Schrantz will marry in June.

For better or worse, in good games and bad, in shooting streaks and slumps, Allison Malkin always has someone in the stands rooting for her at Roanoke College basketball games.

``I enjoy watching her play almost as much as I like going out there myself,'' said Joe Schrantz, Malkin's fiance and a member of the Roanoke men's basketball team.

The two met their freshman year after Schrantz, 6-foot-4, spotted ``this tall, beautiful blonde standing across campus.''

``I had to chase her down. But I knew she had a boyfriend, [and] that kind of kept me from chasing after her too much. But by the end of the year, I couldn't take it anymore and I had to talk to her.''

Malkin and Schrantz - who saw the movie ``White Men Can't Jump'' on their first date - are preparing for opening-round games in the NCAA Division III tournament. The Roanoke women play at Ferrum at 7 p.m. today. The men leave today for a first-round game Thursday at Maryville, Tenn.

Although their relationship doesn't center around basketball, the common interest definitely has made it more fun, Schrantz said.

``It also helps out if you have a bad game or something goes wrong,'' Malkin said. ``He can relate to how I'm feeling as opposed to someone who doesn't know basketball.''

``I can definitely relate,'' Schrantz said with a laugh, ``because I've had my fair share of bad games. We're experienced in handling that.''

The two play the same position - forward - and jokingly take credit for each other's accomplishments.

``Whenever she scores or does something right on the floor, all the guys will say to me, `Yeah, Joe. Good job,''' Schrantz said. ``But if she messes up, I'll take the heat for her, too.''

Both will graduate May 6, Schrantz with a degree in business and Malkin with a degree in teaching. They've had to squeeze in time over breaks from school to make plans for their June 2 wedding in Malkin's hometown of Sparta, N.J.

Malkin said it hit her during the weekend at the Old Dominion Athletic Conference tournament that their college days and basketball careers soon will come to a close.

``But even with the end of the season coming up, obviously we both have so much to look forward to,'' Schrantz said. ``We've got a lifetime.''

NCAA Division III Tournament

Women: Roanoke (22-5) at Ferrum (18-8), 7 p.m., today. Tickets are $2 for students, $3 for adults.

Men: Roanoke (19-8) at Maryville, Tenn. (19-6), 7:30 p.m., Thursday.

 by CNB