Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 2, 1995                   TAG: 9503030040
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


STEPHEN M. KREHBIEL of the Beltone Hearing Aid Center in Roanoke has earned the Pacesetter Award, which is presented to Beltone hearing-instrument specialists who have made significant contributions to the education and well-being of the hearing-impaired.

OVERNITE TRANSPORTATION CO. of Richmond has named its Roanoke service center as a service center of the year for its Southeast region.

The award, in the small-to-medium category, was presented to center manager Jerry Gallimore at Overnite's annual leadership conference. The Roanoke center, which has 76 employees, had an on-time service record of 93 percent, the best in the region.

CATHY A. SIGMON completed the life and health insurance course and state examination. Sigmon is the office administrator for American National Insurance Co. in Roanoke.

R. SCOTT FISHER, the multi-line general agent for American National Insurance Co. for the Roanoke area, recently completed two National Association of Security Dealers examinations, which resulted in his being registered with Securities Management and Research in Galveston, Texas.

BRENT MUNRO BURTON, formerly of Roanoke, is an intern in Theater Training/Traveling Young Players at the Kennedy Center in Washington. Burton also is working on the Billy Taylor Jazz Series and the Red Badge of Courage Tour at the center.

Burton, a 1991 graduate of Patrick Henry High School, received a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in history in 1994 from Virginia Tech.

GREG HICKS of John Hancock Distributors Inc. and F. GARY OSBORNE of Wheat First Butcher Singer have been selected to membership in the Nuveen Advisory Council.

The council is a select group of investment professionals across the country who are recognized for continuing excellence in financial counseling in the field of tax-exempt securities.

ROANOKE COLLEGE has raised $350,000 for its new foreign language instruction facility. Renovations are under way in Lucas Hall, and the lab will be available for student use at the opening of fall semester.

 by CNB