Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, March 5, 1995                   TAG: 9503070004
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Roanoke County has set aside land for a new elementary school near the Orchards subdivision near BONSACK. No target date has been set for opening it.

New elementary school planned for DALEVILLE. Botetourt County officials having trouble finding land, though.

New middle school approved for CLOVERDALE. Botetourt County voters approved a $13.6 million bond issue for construction in November.

New classrooms to be built this year at STAUNTON RIVER High School, where classes are now held in the cafeteria and six trailers. Classrooms will also be added to STAUNTON RIVER Middle School at a combined cost of $4.24 million. (high school and middle school)

New elementary school being built at MONTVALE to replace the existing one. Target opening date is Fall 1996 at an estimated cost of $4 million.

Elementary schools at THAXTON, STEWARTSVILLE, MONETA, OTTER RIVER, BEDFORD, HUDDLESTON and BODY CAMP to be renovated in next few years.

JEFFERSON FOREST and LIBERTY high schools will be renovated within next six years.

New middle school opened in fall 1994 in FOREST but community is growing so fast that an expansion is already slated for 2001.

Seven elementary schools in Franklin County are being expanded: BOONES MILL, CALLAWAY, DUDLEY, FERRUM, GLADE HILL, ROCKY MOUNT and SONTAG. Voters approved a $14.7 million bond issue for these additions in November. Also in the works: A $6 million state-of-the-art technology center for eighth and ninth graders.

New elementary school opened in BLACKSBURG in fall 1994. Cost: $5 million.

New elementary school opened in CHRISTIANSBURG in 1992. Cost: $5 million.

 by CNB