Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 8, 1995                   TAG: 9503080045
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Almost half of us think political parties should nominate their candidates by primaries rather than conventions. But most of us don't think the government should require it.

What's your preference for how political parties should nominate their candidates?

Primaries: 47%

Conventions: 19%

No preference: 23%

Unsure: 11%

Do you favor a law requiring political parties to use primaries or conventions?

Favor law: 28%

Oppose law: 58%

No preference: 5%

Unsure: 9%

Who favors primaries?

50% of Whites favor primaries. Blacks are divided - 33% favor primaries and 32% favor conventions. Could it be that they believe they often wield clout disproportionate to their numbers in a convention?

Support for primaries generally rises with age, and support for conventions falls.


18-29: 33%

30-49: 48%

50-64: 56%

65 and up: 47%

The more education someone has, the more likely they are to favor primaries.


High school drop-outs: 36%

High school grads: 40%

Some college: 52%

College graduates: 62%

The more money someone makes, the more likely they are to favor primaries.


Less than $10,000: 31%

$10,000-$19,999: 46%

$20,000-$29,999: 55%

$30,000-$39,999: 54%

$40,000 and up: 56%

Most liberals favor primaries. Almost half of conservatives say they don't have a preference.


Liberals 59%

Moderates 46%

Conservatives 39%

Party affiliation doesn't seem to make much of a difference. Democrats and Republicans favor primaries at about the same rate. It's the independents - shut out of both parties' conventions - who are most enthusiastic about primaries. Perhaps that's because Virginia allows anyone, regardless of party affiliation, to vote in a primary.

Who wants a law requiring primaries?

Not surprisingly, independents.


Democrats 26%

Republicans 29%

Independents 35%


Liberals, who by definition favor a more activist government, are more interested in seeing a mandate than are conservatives.

Liberals 46%

Moderates 21%

Conservatives 32%

 by CNB