Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 9, 1995                   TAG: 9503110022
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: W-10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A VALLEYWIDE GOSPEL SING is scheduled Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Bethel Baptist Church, 1601 Colorado St. in Salem. The Virginians Quartet, the Dominion Trio and Evelyn Conner will perform. An offering will be taken.

THE REV. NELSON HARRIS, chairman of the Roanoke School Board and pastor of Ridgewood Baptist Church, will speak March 17 at the 8:15 p.m. service at Beth Israel Synagogue, 920 Franklin Road S.W. Harris, who also is president of the interfaith Roanoke Valley Ministers Conference, will discuss "Church and State Issues."

CHRIST LUTHERAN and ST. JOHN LUTHERAN churches will have a joint Lenten study Wednesday at Roanoke College's Antrim Chapel. The service will include a dramatic presentation by Al Staggs on the ministry of German martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Reservations for the 5:30 p.m. meal are needed by Sunday and may be made by sending a check for $3 per person payable to the college in Salem.

MISSIONARIES TO BOLIVIA, the Rev. Randy Bynum and his wife, Kathy, will speak Sunday at the 10:35 a.m. service at First Church of the Nazarene, 728 Highland Ave. S.E.

The family, which includes three children, has lived in the South American country for 10 years. The Bynums are on furlough in Idaho.

USED BABY CLOTHES are being collected as a project of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in Salem. According to Tom Fame, a member of the Peace and Justice Committee of the parish, the clothing collection will help a Roanoke Valley program known as Resource Mothers and is the church's effort to provide a good beginning for babies of teen mothers.

DAVID HUNLEY, pastor of Martinsville Christian Fellowship, will lead special services Sunday through Tuesday at Christian Life Fellowship, 307 N. Bruffey St. in Salem. He will speak at 8:30 and 11 Sunday morning and 6 Sunday evening. Services on Monday and Tuesday are at 7 p.m..

Send information to Frances Stebbins, Neighbors, P.O. Box 2491. Roanoke, 24010-2491 by noon Thursday.

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