Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, March 13, 1995                   TAG: 9503130007
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


But the federal government, we have to keep our eyes on. Two-thirds of us trust the federal government to do what is right some of the time. But it could be worse. We do, at least, have some trust in government.

How often do we trust the federal government to do what is right?

Always: 3%

Most of the time: 14%

Some of the time: 67%

Never: 12%

No opinion: 4%

Who says the federal government can never be trusted?

Trust in government generally rises with age, income and education.

Generation Xers are the most alienated. One-fifth say they never trust the federal government to do what is right.


18-29: 21%

30-49: 12%

50-64: 8%

65 and up: 9%

The less education someone has, the more likely they are to believe the federal government can never be trusted.


High school drop-outs: 19%

High school grads: 10%

Some college: 15%

College graduates: 1%

Whites are more likely than blacks to believe the federal government can never be trusted.


Whites: 13%

Blacks: 7%

It's not a perfect guide, but generally, the less money someone makes, the more likely they are to believe the federal government can't be trusted.


Less than $10,000: 16%

$10,000-$19,999: 10%

$20,000-$29,999: 16%

$30,000-$39,999: 14%

$40,000 and up: 10%

Republicans are more likely than Democrats to distrust the federal government. Keep in mind, though, this poll was conducted before the GOP won a majority in Congress last November on a platform of transferring many federal programs to the states.


Democrats: 6%

Republicans: 17%

Independents: 12%

No surprises here: Conservatives are more likely to distrust government than liberals.


Liberals: 7%

Moderates: 11%

Conservatives: 12%

The Roanoke Valley Poll was conducted by Roanoke College's Center for Community Research. The poll surveyed 400 Roanoke Valley residents and has a margin of error of 5 percentage points. Among demographic subgroups, the margin may be higher.

 by CNB