Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 16, 1995                   TAG: 9503180019
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Children's choir will attend festival

The Roanoke College Children's Choir has been invited to attend the 1995 Princeton Invitational Choir Festival June 22-26 at Princeton University.

The children's choir is made up of kids ranging from 8 to 17 years old. Members come from the Roanoke Valley, New Castle, Goodview, Moneta and Clifton Forge.

The choir was selected based on musical ability demonstrated by tape recordings and other application materials.

The Princeton Invitational Choir Festival is made possible through the cooperative efforts of the American Boychoir School, Westminster Choir College, the School of Music of Rider College and Arts Development.

Roanoke schools registering pupils

Roanoke City Public Schools have announced registration times for pupils entering kindergarten and the first grade in the fall of 1995. Registration will be held March 23 and 24 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Parents should register their children at the school the child will attend.

Applications for preschool (4-year-olds) will also be accepted at this time at the following elementary schools: Fallon Park, Forest Park, Garden City, Highland Park, Hurt Park, Lincoln Terrace, Morningside, Preston Park, Roanoke Academy, Round Hill, Virginia Heights and Westside.

Children who will be 5 years old on or before Sept. 30, 1995, are eligible to enter kindergarten.

Pupils entering kindergarten or first grade at Wasena Elementary should register at Fishburn Park Elementary.

Pupils who are attending kindergarten in Roanoke City Public Schools are not required to register to enter first grade.

Attendance zone information is available by calling 981-2816.

RAM seeking kitchen donations

The Roanoke Area Ministries needs donations of utensils and paper products for its soup kitchen.

Among items needed are: paper plates and napkins, cups, and plastic spoons and forks. RAM is soliciting these items because its dishwasher is broken, and it may be several weeks before a replacement is made.

Donations may be brought to 824 Campbell Ave. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day.

Museum seeking items for exhibit

The Virginia Museum of Transportation Inc. is looking for bicycling-related items for a special exhibit to be held April 30 through May 5. The exhibit will coincide with the Tour DuPont May 1.

The museum needs vintage bicycles, racing bicycles and equipment, T-shirts, bicycling equipment, posters and magazines.

Anyone wishing to make contributions should call David Bird, director of exhibits at 342-5670.

School needs crafters for festival

Organizers for the Oak Grove Elementary School Spring Festival and Craft Fair are looking for crafters.

The April 8 show offers crafters an opportunity to display and sell their work.

For more information, call 387-2717.

 by CNB