Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 22, 1995                   TAG: 9503220073
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


NationsBank, Blockbuster link

NationsBank Corp. went Hollywood, announcing Tuesday at a press conference at Paramount Studios that it will issue a co-branded Visa card in partnership with Blockbuster Entertainment.

Holders of the new card will receive a 5 percent rebate on purchases made with the card at participating Blockbuster Entertainment stores, including Blockbuster Video, Blockbuster Music, Paramount Parks and Discovery Zone. Holders also receive a 1 percent rebate on other purchases with the card.

The rebates accrue toward "Blockbuster Bucks" that can be used to purchase goods and services through Blockbuster Entertainment stores.

- Associated Press

Bull sale set Saturday

The Virginia Beef Cattle Improvement Association will hold its 16th annual sale of performance-tested bulls on Saturday at Wytheville.

The top-performing two-thirds of 216 bulls on test at the Southwest Bull Test Station will be sold. Complete performance information on each bull will be available.

The sale will be held at noon in the sale pavilion at the Danny Umberger farm, off Interstate 81 at Exit 77. For more information call the association at Virginia Tech at 703-231-9163.

- Staff report

Paper company phasing out jobs

WEST POINT - In an attempt to avoid layoffs, Chesapeake Paper Products Co. will offer early retirement to 77 hourly workers at its West Point mill.

The company, a unit of Chesapeake Corp. which is parent of Chesapeake Packaging Co. of Roanoke, said it is phasing out the positions to compete with newer, more automated mills. The mill lost money in 1993 despite record shipments.

About 55 salaried workers accepted early retirement in 1994.

The latest downsizing has been discussed by employees and management for several months.

- Associated Press

Gas price down for 4th month

The average monthly price of self-serve regular unleaded gasoline fell for the fourth consecutive month but remains 5.1 cents higher than a year ago, according to the American Automobile Association.

The national motor club said Tuesday that its monthly Fuel Gauge Report shows the price of self-serve regular unleaded is $1.116 per gallon, off 0.2 cent from February and down 4.9 cents in four months.

The average price of self-serve mid-grade unleaded is unchanged at $1.212 per gallon, while premium is off .2 cent to $1.295.

- Staff report

 by CNB