Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 22, 1995                   TAG: 9503230045
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: NEW YORK                                LENGTH: Medium


``Chocolate and the Art of Low-Fat Desserts'' by Alice Medrich and ``Charlie Trotter's'' cookbook by Charlie Trotter are among the nominees for the 1994 Julia Child Cookbook Awards, sponsored by the International Association of Culinary Professionals.

The nominees were selected by a group of 30 culinary professionals from among 373 food and beverage books entered in this year's competition.

Three nominees were selected in each of the following categories: American; breads, other baking and sweets; food reference-technical; general; health and diet; international; literary food writing; single subject; wine, beer or spirits; first-book, The Julia Child Award.

One book will be selected as the best book of 1994 in each category. From these, one will be named ``Best Cookbook of the Year.'' Winners will be announced April 8 at the IACP's 17th annual conference in San Antonio.

Julia Child Cookbook

Awards Nominees

(For books copyrighted and published in 1994)

American: ``Bobby Flay's Bold American Food: More Than 200 Revolutionary Recipes'' by Bobby Flay with Joan Schwartz (Warner Books); ``Jewish Cooking in America'' by Joan Nathan (Alfred A. Knopf); ``Southwest the Beautiful Cookbook'' by Barbara Pool Fenzl and Norman Kolpas (Collins Publishers San Francisco).

Bread, Other Baking and Sweets: ``Chocolate and The Art of Low-Fat Desserts'' by Alice Medrich (Warner Books); ``Classic Home Desserts: A Treasury of Heirloom and Contemporary Recipes From Around the World'' by Richard Sax (Chapters Publishing); ``Paris Boulangerie - Patisserie'' by Linda Dannenberg (Clarkson Potter).

First Book: The Julia Child Award: ``Bake and Freeze Desserts: 130 Do-Ahead Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Brownies, Bars, Ice Creams, Terrines, and Sorbets'' by Elinor Klivans (William Morrow); ``Charlie Trotter's Cookbook'' by Charlie Trotter (Ten Speed Press); ``The Union Square Cafe Cookbook'' by Danny Meyer and Michael Romano (HarperCollins).

Food Reference-Technical: ``The Great Food Almanac'' by Irena Chalmers (Collins Publishers San Francisco); ``Kitchens for Cooks'' by Deborah Krasner (Viking Studio Books); ``Thin for Life: 10 Keys to Success From People Who Have Lost Weight and Kept It Off'' by Anne M. Fletcher (Chapters Publishing).

General: ``Now You're Cooking: Everything a Beginner Needs to Know to Start Cooking Today'' by Elaine Corn (Harlow & Ratner); ``Spur of the Moment Cook'' by Perla Myers (William Morrow); ``The 30-Minute Cook: The Best of the World's Quick Cooking'' by Nigel Slater (Michael Joseph Ltd).

Health and Special Diet: ``Indian Light Cooking: Delicious and Healthy Food from One of the World's Great Cuisines'' by Ruth Law (Donald I. Fine); ``Jacques Pepin's Simple and Healthy Cooking'' by Jacques Pepin (Rodale Press); ``Provencal Light: Traditional Recipes from Provence for Today's Healthy Lifestyles'' by Martha Rose Schulman (Bantam Books).

International: ``The Cooking of the Eastern Mediterranean: 215 Healthy, Vibrant and Inspired Recipes'' by Paula Wolfert (HarperCollins); ``Indonesian Regional Cooking'' by Sri Owen (St. Martin's Press); ``LuLu's Provencal Table: The Exuberant Food and Wine from Domaine Tempier Vineyard'' by Richard Olney (HarperCollins).

Literary Food Writing: ``Harvest of the Cold Months'' by Elizabeth David (deceased), edited by Jill Norman (Michael Joseph Ltd.); ``MFK Fisher, Julia Child, and Alice Waters'' by Joan Reardon (Harmony Books); ``Treasures of the Italian Table'' by Burton Anderson (William Morrow).

Single Subject: ``Fish'' by Mark Bittman (Macmillan); ``Panini, Bruschetta, Crostini: Sandwiches, Italian Style'' by Viana LaPlace (William Morrow); ``Roger Verge's Vegetables in the French Style'' by Roger Verge (Artisan).

Wine, Beer or Spirits: ``The Oxford Companion to Wine'' by Jancis Robinson (Oxford University Press); ``Wine Savvy: The Simple Guide to Buying and Enjoying Wine Anytime, Anywhere'' by Heidi Yorkshire (Duplex Media Group); ``The World Atlas of Wine - 4th Edition'' by Bill Rosen (Simon and Schuster).

 by CNB