Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, March 24, 1995                   TAG: 9503240083
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Tech's off-campus bookstore opens

The University Volume Two Bookstore, Virginia Tech's expansion of its bookstore operations, has opened in University Mall.

Grand opening events, such as author signings, giveaways and children's readings are going on this week, said Doug Watson, a marketing manager with the bookstore.

The new store is modeled on the main store on Tech's campus, although it's about 30 percent smaller.

Walker said it will sell a full complement of textbooks, as well as general books and clothing emblazoned with Tech logos.

Jeffries to head historic group again

RADFORD - Lewis I. "Bud" Jeffries turned out to be such a tough act to follow as the first chairman of the Radford Heritage Foundation that the historic preservation group's board couldn't find anybody willing to succeed him at its annual meeting in February.

As a result, Jeffries - a bit reluctantly - agreed Wednesday to take the job for another year. After that, he told his fellow board members, he's off the board entirely. The board elected Sharron Starnes to replace him as treasurer.

Jeffries, the coordinator for Main Street Radford, said his work for the foundation had almost become a second job. He had wanted someone else to succeed him as chairman to devote more time to his Main Street activities, but agreed to stay to assure continuity.

Also at Wednesday's meeting, the board authorized starting a quarterly newsletter.

Panel to discuss humans in space

BLACKSBURG - Former astronaut Jon McBride and Tabor MacCallum, a member of Biosphere II, will join other presenters and panelists Monday, 2:15 p.m., at Virginia Tech, for a free symposium on human factors issues in space flight. The symposium is part of the three-day-Mid-Atlantic Human Factors Conference Sunday through Tuesday at the Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center.

Symposium leaders will discuss the medical perspective for long space flights, discuss group dynamics in isolated and confined environments and the Biosphere experience.

Other presenters include NASA Flight Surgeon Dr. Patrick J. McGinnis of the University of Texas.

The conference gets under way Sunday with tutorial sessions at 9 a.m. Registration starts Monday at 7:30 a.m. Thomas Eggemeier of the University of Dayton will deliver the keynote address Monday at 8 a.m.

For more information, call Matthew Winston, 231-8508.

 by CNB