Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 29, 1995                   TAG: 9503290046
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


The official statistics are in on Virginia Tech's trip to the NIT semifinals in Madison Square Garden, but we're keeping a separate stat sheet of our own. Here are some tidbits from Monday night's game.

Falling Down: Ask any Virginia Tech fan one of the best things about seeing the Hokies play, and they'll tell you it's watching David Jackson. Jackson and his brother Jim, who's on the bench with an injury this season, are both known for their scrappy playing style - they spend part of each game on the floor. Jackson fell 61/2 times during Monday night's NIT game against Canisius College - four times on his back, twice on his stomach, and a half. The half came when both hands hit the floor under the basket, but his knees didn't touch, so we didn't think we should count it.

Shawn Good probably had the most dramatic fall of the game, landing on top of Canisius' Micheal Meeks during the semifinal contest.

Dog Show: It probably seemed like more, but the Bud Light commercial about those mangy dogs aired only twice during Tech's time on ESPN.

Slams: Shawn Good took to the air once during each half to slam the ball in the basket. Ace Custis played a steady game, scoring 18 points, but with no dramatic stuffs. He said before the game that he was battling a cold - could be the altitude would have made his ears pop.

The Golden Griffin: Mascot for Canisius College, located in Buffalo, N.Y., the Griffin is a creature with the head and wings of an eagle, the torso of a lion and the changeable personality of a chameleon.

More Gold: The mascot for Marquette, who will play against the Hokies in the finals of the NIT, is the Golden Eagle.

For more information like this, check out the Roanoke Times & World-News' NIT coverage on the Internet. If you have a web browser for your computer, visit our site at

 by CNB